Just Say “No” – You Can Do It!

“No”. It is one of the shortest words in the English language, but it is also one of the most important words as well. “No” can help you avoid overfilling your plate, prevent you from taking on clients that are more trouble than they are worth, and assist you in establishing boundaries with others, among other things. All too often, we are told that “no” is a negative word and this may lead us to avoid using it, even when it would be good for us to do so. Do you ever find that your life is hectic and you … Continue reading

Is It Too Early To Think About Holidays?

I think there are two types of single parents—those of us who put everything off until the last possible minute because our plates are so incredibly full; and those of us who try to get everything done early because our plates are so incredibly full. I admit—I tend to vacillate between both of these extremes and there have been years when I just couldn’t wrap my head around the holidays until they were upon me and there have been years when I was able to get organized early and “spread out” the planning and obligation. I have a friend who … Continue reading

Use Your Calendar

Last time we covered getting at least one, if not two calendars to use. The keyword in that last sentence is use. If you don’t use your calendars, they are just a waste of money, and a waste of time, because using a calendar is a big time saver. The first thing you will want to do is get everything together that involves a date. Some of those things include birthdays; bills; appointments (doctor, dentists, etc.); any extra curricular things your children may be involved in for practices, games, meetings, special ceremonies; days off of school your children may have … Continue reading

Choose a Good Calendar for Your Hectic Schedule

Being a single parent can get hectic at times. You have work, daycare, your school, their school, your homework, their homework, bills, appointments, activities, school programs, shared custody or visitation, birthdays, alone time and a lot more. Some days you wonder how you are going to do it all. There are a lot of things and ideas out there that can help you get through days like this. I won’t be able to fit all of them into one blog, because it would just get way too long, so I am going to break this up into several different blogs. … Continue reading