The Process of Learning to Trust Again

Many of us have found our way to single parenthood by walking through a minefield of betrayed and battered trust issues. On the road to becoming so independent and self-sufficient, we may have “learned” that we really cannot trust anyone else. In our determination to be dependable and responsible in taking care of our child or children, we may have told ourselves that we really cannot trust anyone else. One of the challenges of rebuilding a life as a single parent is to learn how to grow from this place, and start the process of learning to trust again. I … Continue reading

Single Parents and Childbirth Classes

I often write about single parenthood from the perspective of someone who has been at it for a long time, because I have. I don’t often think about what it is like for those who are just starting out or may, in fact, be pregnant with a child and going through that pregnancy as a single parent—whether by choice or evolution of circumstances. Those childbirth classes are often a single parent’s first experience into the world of feeling like and “outsider.” Here are some tips for making the most and the best of childbirth preparation classes as a single expectant … Continue reading

Doing What You Need to Do (Even When You’re Scared)

I know that feeling immobilized by fear and concern is not the sole plight of a single parent–but, let’s face it, for many of us solo parents, it can take some getting used to taking care of a family on our own. Add to that the reality that we may be going through a messy divorce, facing a funeral, or need to relocated, go back to work or school, etc. and it can be a recipe for feeling fearful and insecure. Acknowledging this insecurity and fear, however, does not mean that we cannot still do what needs to be done… … Continue reading

Don’t Be Afraid to Impose

One of the hard lessons I have had to learn as a single parent is NOT to try to do everything all by myself. One of the big things that held me back in the early years was that I didn’t want to impose or put “my stuff” onto other people. I assumed that since I had had these children by choice and I should be “in charge” of living my life and running my family, that I had no right to ask anyone for anything. I just didn’t want people to think that I could not handle my situation … Continue reading

A Chance to Improve Your Social and Personal Skills

I don’t mean to seem like an overly-optimistic Pollyanna, but there really are all sorts of personal development opportunities that come with life as a single parent. One is that we have the chance to expand and improver our social and personal skills in ways we might not if we are partnered or married. Think of it–as a partnered parent, you don’t have to reach out to the outer world as often and don’t have to ask for help, look for alternative ways to deal with transportation, child care, social activities, etc. I know that as a single parent, I … Continue reading