Single Parents and Quality Time–Keep Family Time Uninterrupted

Balancing work obligations, school or other responsibilities and spending quality time with your kids is one of the biggest challenges of life as single parent. I imagine that if we got all of us together in one room, it would be a huge topic of conversation for us–how to make sure that we spend enough quality time with our kids and let them know that we really do put family first. I have learned that even if I don’t have an abundance of time to devote to my kids, making sure that the time I do set aside stays “pure” … Continue reading

When My Friends Complain About How Much Their Partners Work

I live my life straddling several different “camps,” at least that seems to be how it appears to others. For me, I feel pretty comfortable right where I’m at: a long-time single parent who runs her own home business, works for herself much of the time and does some work projects for others too. While I have been a wife and I spent a couple unsettling years as a SAHM unwillingly, mostly I have worked while raising my family, and it has been years since I was NOT the sole support for my family and household. With both male and … Continue reading

A Single Parent on the Job—Part Three—Benefits and Perks

As single parents, we really have to consider the “whole package” when it comes to our employment. This doesn’t just mean monetary compensation or traditional benefits either. As the sole support for our families, we have to make sure all our bases are covered, but we also have to look at the other benefits that might come with a specific job or career choice in choosing what is best for ourselves and our families. Traditional benefits include things like insurance (health, dental, life, disability) and vacation and sick time, retirement benefits, etc. BUT, there are other benefits and perks that … Continue reading