Teaching Responsibility Through Chores

We didn’t have a lot of chores growing up. Every Saturday we had to help clean the bathrooms, but that was about it. We helped a little here and there, but in the end, we didn’t do a whole lot to help around the house when we were kids. My mother tried, but after battling grumpy children for a couple years she finally gave up. In very little time, she had six spoiled teenagers who didn’t know how to cook or clean for themselves. I was the only one who had a consistent job through high school, and the others … Continue reading

Teaching Little Ones To Clean Up

It’s spring cleaning time and a perfect time to teach your little one ( or not so little one) to clean up after herself. Being a single mother means you need all the help you can get so the last thing you need is to spend your time picking up things your kids have set down and never put away. Teach them when they are little and it won’t be such a battle when they get older. I always felt guilty having Hailey help clean up. My guilt from the divorce spilled over onto everything but I finally had to … Continue reading

Parenting Boys

As a single mom I often worried about raising my son alone. I grew up a total girly-girl; boys were a total mystery to me, now I was left to navigate raising one on my own. Needless to say, I was overwhelmed at the task that lay before me. As a woman I wasn’t sure I had what it took to raise a boy. I didn’t know anything about cars or trucks or superheroes, but I soon learned that what I did have to offer was just as important. Boys need to know how to empathize with others. As mothers … Continue reading

Age Appropriate Chores for Kids

As parents it is our job to make sure our kids grow up to be responsible citizens of society, part of that is teaching them the value of hard work. One of the best ways to teach this is through giving your child chores during the week. Even your little ones can help around the house. The younger you start, the easier it will be, but don’t worry kids can learn to work at any age, so if you haven’t started yet, it’s ok, they just might fight you a little harder on it at first. Kids don’t want to … Continue reading