Helping Your Child Through Divorce

We’ve all heard how damaging the effects of divorce can be on children, but are they really any worse off than children who come from the traditional two parent families? Not necessarily. Studies have found that it’s not so much the divorce that is affecting children, it is how the divorce is handled. If you are in constant turmoil with your ex, of course it is going to have an effect on your children. On the other hand, a married couple experiencing the same turmoil, is likely to pass on the same adverse effects to their children. Divorce is hard … Continue reading

Benefits To Being A Single Parent

As a parent, every day I’m amazed to see the young woman my daughter is turning into. I think that is true for all parents, we look at our children and there is so much joy that we get to be a part of something so wonderful. As a single parent there is a little sadness mixed with that joy, sadness that our kids don’t get to grow up in an intact family, that Daddy doesn’t help tuck them in every night. But always there is joy and pride in watching them grow and seeing the men and women they … Continue reading

Benefits For Children of Divorce

Everyone talks about the negative effects of divorce on children, but what about the positives? There are some, there have to be; otherwise we should all just give up right now! Let’s see, for one thing children of single parent’s learn to be self reliant at a younger age. This is usually the result of having to do for themselves, whether it is getting to school, on time and prepared, or fixing something to eat in the microwave. Our children quickly learn you can’t call Mom at work every time you can’t get the DVD player to work. Also they … Continue reading

Benefits of a Healthy Marriage

My last couple of articles have focused on encouraging healthy marriages. In the first article I listed two findings that Congress had discovered about the benefits of healthy marriages. However there are several more. How a healthy marriage benefits the children. Children who come from a healthy married couple are more likely to attend college. These children score higher academically. Children from healthy married couples are both more physically and emotionally stable. These children have a lower rate of suicide or attempted suicide. Children from healthy homes have fewer behavior and discipline problems at school. They are less likely to … Continue reading

The Let’s Talk Blog Top Ten – Reasons to Have Children Later in Life

If you are trying to conceive, you have probably come across information suggesting that women in their twenties are more apt to conceive than women who are older. This means that if you put off starting a family until after your career took off, or for any other reason, you may have a difficult time conceiving. Aside from that, there can be some major benefits to putting off starting a family until later in life. I asked a group of wise, hip mamas of all ages to share their reasons for when they chose to start their families. Here’s my … Continue reading

Benefits of Church for a Single Parent

Becoming single, whether from divorce or the death of a spouse, is a huge change of life, especially when there are children involved. During this time of life, it is essential to surround yourself by loving and understanding family and friends. In addition, once you are on your own, you need to keep yourself focused in the right direction so you remain positive and strong. One of the best suggestions is to find a good church where you live, one that offers single moms a support system. For instance, many churches provide a special ministry that is geared toward singles … Continue reading

New Mexico’s Medicaid has 40 Categories of Eligibility

Each and every state has a Medicaid program. Some states offer a wider range of programs within their Medicaid system than others do. In New Mexico, there are approximately 40 categories of eligibility. According to the state’s website, New Mexico’s Medicaid program serves 1 in 3. Medicaid is a public, or government run, form of health insurance. It is designed to provide affordable health insurance coverage for people who are low-income and who cannot afford to purchase health insurance coverage from a private company. Medicaid funding comes from both the federal government and from the government of an individual state. … Continue reading

Opportunities To Serve

I recently wrote about children needing to learn to respect their elders. We need to take advantage of all teachable moments. As a single mother there may already be so much on your to do list that one more thing will push you over the edge but we are their first teacher and need to be aware of it. Our children will learn by what they see us do. If we are rude to salespeople, waitresses or telemarketers we are telling our children it’s ok to be rude to other people. It’s hard after working all day, coming home to … Continue reading

Online Dating

For many single mothers online dating seems to be an easy solution to their problems. Their time is extremely limited. They may have a strong desire to get back into the dating game, but finding the time to do so can be difficult when they only have every other weekend to focus on it, causing many to turn to online dating. More and more people are finding their mate on online dating sites. In fact, some statistics say as many as 20% of couples today met online. For a single parent, it’s a much more convenient way of meeting people. … Continue reading

A New Way To Create a Family

We certainly live in interesting times. The traditional family is not what it used to be and we’ve adjusted. Now someone has come up with a new way to be a family. It’s called Modamily. It’s like a dating website but instead of going there to find your life partner you build a profile in order to find someone with the goal of having and co parenting a child together without the normal formalities. Is it just me or is this a little strange? I know there are women who choose to become single mothers for many reasons, maybe they … Continue reading