Breakdowns Becoming Breakthroughs

To say I broke down after my divorce would be an understatement. Those first few weeks I lost all ability to function. I couldn’t eat. I couldn’t sleep. I could barely breathe, let alone take care of me and my son. Looking back, I’m not sure why it was as difficult for me. My marriage hadn’t been a happy one. In fact, I was really quite miserable; I just hadn’t realized it yet. More than anything I was devastated that my dream for a “perfect family” was about to go up in smoke. But, it was that breakdown that brought … Continue reading

Lucky as the Tin Man

  We’ve all seen the classic tale of the Wizard of Oz. The cowardly lion is desperate for courage, the scarecrow is in need of a brain, and our dear friend the tin man wants nothing more than heart to fill his empty chest. After my divorce I would have given anything to be the tin man. My heart was aching. I was feeling such an intense pain I would have done anything to make it stop. Nothing brought relief. I wasn’t ready to be divorced. I wasn’t ready to be on my own again, but I had no choice … Continue reading