Monthly Budgeting

I’ve always been pretty good with money. From the time I was little I was never one to rush out and spend what little money I had. I’d save all my pennies until I had enough for what I really wanted and then I’d start saving for the next thing on my list. Now as a single parent sticking to my budget has become even more important. For most of us there is very little money left over at the end of the month. Saving can be a real challenge when there is nothing left to save. Bills have to … Continue reading

Budget Should Not Be A Dirty Word

I have been pretty fortunate as a single mother. Most of the time I’ve been single I’ve had a good job that has allowed me not to worry about how I was going to pay the bills. It wasn’t like that at first, when I first got divorced I didn’t even have a car, but things got better. Now, due to some pay cuts I’ve taken at work, things are looking a little scarier. Add to that a few emergencies, a major vet bill and an emergency car repair, and my savings account is non existent. Not having that cushion … Continue reading

The Money Saving Mom’s Budget

When it comes to frugal living, fresh inspiration is often hard to find. Oh sure, we do what we can, from attempting a budget to washing out baggies in order to save money. Often, the problem, though, is that we aren’t armed with a solid start to finish plan. Crystal Paine’s book, The Money Saving Mom’s Budget gives you that plan, and explains the importance behind each step. I haven’t seen anything this good since Amy Dacyczyn’s The Tightwad Gazette, a book on frugal living that has now pretty much obtained cult status. Paine’s book, however, is updated with more … Continue reading

The Dirty Word – Budget

Say budget in a small gathering of your friends and you’ll likely hear a bunch of groans and sighs. The word itself is likely to stop any party dead and most of us find it pretty dang boring to think of setting up a budget. Why oh why should we be expected to control and keep track of our money if our government can’t seem to do it? What if our neighbor seems to be really happy living a million dollar lifestyle on a $100,000.00 a year salary? It’ll catch up. I warn you, living beyond your means – or … Continue reading

Throw your Checkbook Away!

What did you say… throw your checkbook away? Now, that certainly sounds like a crazy idea coming from a money blogger. Shouldn’t you be on top of your bank accounts? How can you do that without a checkbook? The problem with a checkbook is that it is deceiving. If it is accurately kept, it only shows you the money you have at one point in time. It doesn’t explain that there are still 5 more bills to pay this month, or your paycheck next month will include your bonus. This snapshot can actually be misleading and provide you with an … Continue reading