Moms Helping Moms

I am so impressed with the generosity of complete strangers in one woman’s life today. As single mothers we can definitely empathize with others who are struggling to support their children. Whether you are in the midst of your own battle or have since recovered and gotten back on your feet, you can feel for the other women out there that are struggling to provide the necessities for their children. You know how hard it is to admit that you need help, and actually asking for it is even harder, but when the circumstances are dire enough, you are left … Continue reading

Cars for Moms

It is so refreshing when people in the community come together to lift each other’s burdens. There is a non-profit organization in my home town, here in Utah, that has decided to reach out to single mothers in our area. Cars for Moms was founded by John Doxey when his sister’s husband was killed in a tragic car accident, leaving her alone to care for seven children and one on the way. Since that experience Doxey has become passionate about helping single mothers in the area. People from all over the city have come together to donate their time and … Continue reading

Cars For Moms

This time of year you hear so many stories about charities and other organizations helping people. It’s wonderful when people go out of their way to help each other. It’s especially wonderful when single moms are the recipients of the help but it’s important to remember, people are in need all year, not just at the holidays. John Doxey founded Cars for Moms- in an effort to help single mothers who are in need of transportation. He founded this nonprofit after his sister’s husband was killed in a freeway accident while she was pregnant with her eighth child. Suddenly his … Continue reading

Parent Moments at the Oscars

The curse is finally over. Kind of. I broke with traditional this year and actually caught bits and pieces of the Academy Awards telecast—live. Not on TiVo, not via clips on the local news, not on Oprah’s annual ultimate post-Oscar show, and not by navigating the Internet the day after. I actually got to see nominees react in real time when their names were announced as Academy Award winners. Thrillsville, right? Not so fast. Given that I’ve missed the last seven consecutive Oscar shows, I would say that last night’s accomplishment was one for the record books. It’s interesting the … Continue reading

Moms Behaving Badly

It’s not a good idea to drive around with your child attached to the roof of your vehicle. In other news, the sky is blue. File this one under: Stupid parental decisions, and give Jackie Denise Knott a prize (see: jail time) for personifying the definition of a word that Webster has yet to list: CLUELESSNESS! The Alabama mom allegedly endangered her 13-year-old daughter’s life, just so she could get a large cardboard box home in one piece. We’ve all been there before, right? We purchase an empty cardboard box at the store, but when we get out to the … Continue reading

A Treat For Missionary Moms

Over Mother’s Day, my husband’s aunt told me something wonderful that a complete stranger did to serve her. Her second son is on a mission, and so, of course, has been out of touch. However, a bishop’s wife called her up to let her know that her missionary was doing fine. In another ward, a sister (not sure if it was the bishop’s wife again, or just a member) emailed her some pictures. These contacts help to set her mind at ease. As a mom of four young children, I feel like I am constantly worrying. Of course, unlike dh’s … Continue reading

Do You Judge Other Moms?

We’ve all done it. We’re out in public and someone else’s wild child is pitching a fit. He wants a candy bar, mom says no and he tantrums. So she gives him the candy bar or buys him the toy. We may not say anything but in my mind I’m always thinking, “See, she shouldn’t give in and that’s why he’s throwing a fit. He knows it works.” While I personally wouldn’t vocalize my opinions about someone else’s kids’ behavior, many are all to willing to give their opinions–especially the older set. This happened to me recently which is why … Continue reading


(My kid-in-a-box) Why does Toys “R” Us have to run this annoying commercial 24/7? WHY? And why does my child run to the TV each time it airs? WHY? And why must I endure the torture of listening to said child end every sentence with a husky baritone: “WHY! WHY! WHY!” Guess which company I won’t be patronizing this holiday season? You know WHY? Why would I want to shop there now? WHY? Oh. Right. All those fabulous deals on toys that will hopefully keep my kid’s attention at least until New Year’s Eve… or until she sees another commercial … Continue reading

Parents Celebrate Ouch-Free Bandage

They can send a man to the moon, but they can’t design a bandage that doesn’t cause pain when it’s removed? Parents the world over know the torment that’s triggered when their child’s bloody bandage needs to be replaced. When my daughter was a toddler, she would scream like a peacock on fire when I would come within 10 yards of her bandaged knee. Now, the wails don’t start until I’m four yards away. Baby steps. At 8 years old, the kid is still deathly afraid of any discomfort she may have to endure during the bandage-changing process. The crying, … Continue reading

Mom Gene Found?

Are some women just meant to have children? According to research coming out of Rockefeller Center, there may be some biological evidence that some of us are born with an overwhelming need to mother, and some of us aren’t. And while all of us could be wonderful, nurturing mothers, not all of us “need” to be. Apparently, the study shows evidence for the existence of a “mom” gene. It is important to note that the study was done with female mice, not female humans. I would like to think that we might be a little more complicated than rodents, although … Continue reading