Life Changes Affect Your Mood

I don’t do well with change. As a single mother, I’m used to being in charge. I’m used to knowing what is going on and where my daughter is at all times. Now she is married and it’s really starting to affect me. It’s a lot harder than I imagined to go from being the one who planned everything to the one who finds out about things after they happen. I find myself at a loss. I don’t know what to do with myself or my time. I don’t seem to have any motivation to do much of anything. I … Continue reading

Stressed Out Parents Affect Their Children’s DNA

Stress can cause a wide variety of health problems. It can make your current health issues become worse. You probably are aware that when parents are stressed out it has an effect on their children. A study finds that parents who are stressed out actually leave an imprint on their kid’s DNA. A study done by researchers at the University of Wisconsin and the University of British Columbia finds that parents who are stressed out during their children’s early years actually affect their child’s DNA. The imprinting has been shown to last until the child reaches adolescence. More studies will … Continue reading

Parent Teacher Conferences

The kids are back in school and with school comes the dreaded parent teacher conferences. As a single parent these can be a little tricky. In some cases both parents are fine to meet together, in others it is impossible. Most teachers are willing to work with you if you need to meet at separate times. However, there are some real benefits to being able to meet together with your child’s teacher. This helps everyone to be on the same page when it comes to your child’s schooling. It also provides a united front for your child. If you are … Continue reading

Changes at Home

There are some big changes coming up in my life. And I fear these changes are going to have a huge impact on my stress. In a bad way. My husband has just graduated from his CDL School (Yea!), but that means major changes in our home life. He took a job with a company based out of Iowa (we live in Pennsylvania) and he will have to go out there for two weeks. Once he’s done with that, he’ll be in a truck training for another five weeks, during which he may or may not have the opportunity to … Continue reading

How to Parent Adult Step Children

Almost thirty years ago, Robert married a woman who had five grown children. No big deal, right? They ranged in age from mid-twenties to mid-thirties, so they had all been on their own for many years. They appeared to be well-adjusted, independent, responsible adults. They lived locally, and Robert and his wife socialized with them on a regular basis. So what was the problem? It turns out that there were many, but primary among them was the fact that his wife’s family was, what the shrinks would call, enmeshed. They were ‘all up in’ one another’s business—they spoke to one … Continue reading

Young Adults Now Covered By Parent’s Insurance

The next part of the Affordable Care Act goes into affect today, Thursday, September 23, 2010. Now, it is possible for young adults to be covered under their parent’s health insurance policy. This is the next step in a series of upcoming changes to health insurance that will be slowly rolled out between now, and 2014. Previously, we saw the Pre-Existing Condition Insurance Plan (PCIP) That part of the plan was designed for people who had been refused health insurance coverage by a private insurance company specifically because that person had a pre-existing condition. One purpose of the Affordable Care … Continue reading

Changes In Teens’ Attitude About Pregnancy

The latest news concerning teen pregnancy is a little troubling. The CDC reports that teens are less worried about pregnancy than in the past. While the percentage of teens having sex has not changed much since 2002, the attitude towards having a child out of wedlock has changed quite a bit. The majority of teens, according to the survey, believe it is okay for an unmarried woman to have a baby. Another interesting fact included in the report is about the most common methods of birth control among teens. The withdrawal method of birth control, also jokingly referred to as … Continue reading

Alhohol Abuse in Single-Parent Teens

Studies have shown that children who are raised in single parent households are at a higher risk of developing alcohol-related problems. This could possibly be due to low supervision, inconsistent discipline, poor communication, or conflicts within the family. Teens with the highest risk of developing alcoholism are girls, those who begin drinking prior to age 14, and those with a parent who suffers from alcohol-related problems. Alcohol contributes to a number of problems, including an inability to pay attention, the risk for developing alcoholism, car-related deaths, higher risk for suicide, greater possibility of engaging in unprotected sex or sex with … Continue reading

Switching to a Single Income – Tips for Saving Money

For many families, deciding to have one parent stay home with the new baby is a difficult choice, and it’s even harder to carry out. It means making tough sacrifices. It’s interesting how many families say “we can’t,” when in reality what they are really saying is, “we won’t.” Are you willing to give up a few of life’s conveniences to stay home with your child? Sometimes, the first step toward being able to afford staying home with your kids is honestly dividing your expenses into two categories: needs and wants. Sometimes, the only way to live on one income … Continue reading

You Can’t Fill Every Role As A Single Parent

Single parents often feel very alone, almost like you’re the only one in the world facing these particular problems and challenges. Although everyone does have their personal uphill battles, according to the US Census Bureau, in 2006 there were 12.9 million one-parent families in the United States. Of those, 10.4 million were single mothers. Assuredly, today there are millions more. So, the good news is that we really aren’t alone. The bad news is, it’s still a tough job fulfilling so many roles. Is it really possible to be everything to your child or children? As a self-proclaimed workaholic and … Continue reading