Clear Expectations

Second marriages can be very rewarding, but it is no secret that second marriages are at a much higher risk of divorce than first marriages. That is a scary statistic for those of us that have been married before. The last thing we would ever want is for our children to go through the trauma of another divorce. So what can we do to help ensure that this marriage is more successful than the first? One of the most important things in a relationship is communication, we’ve all heard this a million times, but there is more to communication than … Continue reading

Does Your Spouse Drive You Nuts?

Every spouse, regardless of how wonderful they are, will do things that drive you nuts. They do this because they are human, and you get annoyed because you are human. This is just part of marriage – or any relationship, actually. For instance, I was washing dishes this morning, and found a ton of plastic forks in the sink. Why? Doesn’t washing plastic forks sort of undo the magic of having them in the first place … so you don’t have to wash them? It’s silly to let something like that irritate me, and I shouldn’t get worked up about … Continue reading

Supporting Your Spouse through Grief

We all experience grief at some point in our lives—it’s part of being alive and human, having emotions, and loving. At times, the husband and wife will both go through the same grief—losing a child or the lesser pain of losing a badly needed job or a loved home. Other times, one spouse will go through a personal grief not quite as deeply felt by the other. In both circumstances, they need each other. If you are the spouse who is grieving, share what you need with your partner. Don’t expect him to just know what you’re going through. He … Continue reading

In Excess

Christmas Eve has been and gone in Australia. This Christmas Eve was a bit different to previous years. We didn’t go the carols service as we normally do on Christmas Eve. This year we just spent the time at home doing those last minute cooking jobs and wrapping presents one of the things that usually is left till around midnight Christmas Eve. This year we had been told about Christmas lights in the neighborhood, so we decided to take a walk. Our little dog thought it was a hugely exciting event, as we never normally go walking at night. So … Continue reading

Parents of Children with Autism Need More Support

New research has shown that mothers of children with autism and behavioral problems have stress levels similar to military personnel in combat. The study, published by the Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, reports that mothers of children and adults with autism who were observed for eight days were found to have extremely low levels of a hormone associated with stress. This hormone is also low in soldiers who had been through combat and people who are dealing with chronic stress. This low hormone level has been linked to chronic health issues. So what can be done to help ease … Continue reading

Special Needs Children and Your Marriage

The divorce rate is high in this country – over 50%. That’s huge. That’s more than half of the weddings you have been to and half of the happy couples you have celebrated with. Although statistics differ, the divorce rate is even higher for couples who have children with special needs. And I completely understand why. We head into marriage with big dreams, goals and ideas of how it will be. We picture this perfect life with these perfect kids. We may expect some bumps along the way, but when your child is sick, disabled, or challenged in anyway, it … Continue reading

Pregnancy and Caring for Small Children

Pregnancy is quite the journey for the first-timer, but it can be downright rocky when there’s a toddler running around, or a whole brood for that matter. First time pregnant moms have the freedom to nap when they are tired, rest when they are ill, sit when they are sore, and eat when they are hungry. Pregnant moms with a toddler running around their feet face the challenge of running the house on “empty,” cooking when they are sick to their stomach, chasing kids despite aches and pains, and eating on the go when there is no time to sit … Continue reading

Baby Games or Exercise?

Who has time to exercise when they are taking care of a baby? Not me! Instead, I have come up with some alternative ways to get moving with my baby. He thinks we are just playing, but I know that it’s benefiting my health as well. These moves are perfect for indoors so you can do them all year round, rain or shine! Side-to-Side Twists This one always makes my son giggle. Lay on your back and bring your knees up, keeping your feet flat on the floor. Hold your baby above your under his arms. Twist to your right … Continue reading

Expect the Best

Expectations play a big part in our lives. Before we meet the one we are going to marry, we have certain expectations of what that person will be like. So long as these are realistic expectations and not based on the romantic idea of tall, dark and handsome, or blond and curvy or whatever the fantasy is, then expectations are a good thing. They are especially helpful if it helps us think through the type of person we are looking for and the qualities we would like them to have and those we know we could not cope with. When … Continue reading

Caring for Your Child When He’s Ill

Probably the hardest job any parent has is to take care of their child when their child is ill. It is exceptionally difficult when your child is in pain, and you can’t take it away. Couple that with having to wait around in a hospital. Perhaps your child has had multiple hospitalizations for some underlying health problem, such as our son with special needs, who has Sprintzen’s Syndrome. At the risk of sounding completely sexist, it seems to be especially hard on the father. The dad, who believes it’s his “job” to fix everything. However, this is something that dad … Continue reading