Blended and Divorced Families and Major Events—Part One

For many of us single parents, most of the time we can get away with NOT having to interact with our ex-in-laws or other extended family members on a regular basis. In fact, as the children get older—even parents who have shared custody may find that they rarely have to talk to each other. When major life events come along, however—such as a wedding, funeral, birth of a baby, or (as is my current family situation, graduation)—we are forced to have to figure out how to get along, coordinate and/or detach in order to salvage what sanity we can. I … Continue reading

Choosing Sides—Part Two—When Your Children get Stuck in the Middle

It is unfortunate, but for many of us single parents, one of the realities that we have to face is how to get our lives to feel less like different, competing camps and more like we are all on the same team. If there is tension or disagreement—whether between the two parents or if other members of the extended families get involved—this can be incredibly hard on our children. I think it is a definite problem when the children feel as though they need to choose sides… I have always been “against” children being asked to choose which parent they … Continue reading