Selling Yourself Short

I was out to dinner with a good friend the other night. We have one of those relationships where we are very open with each other. We’re blunt and we tell it like it is. As we discussed some of the men I had been dating post divorce he said, “You know what your problem is? You sell yourself short.” I hadn’t really thought about it, but as I was driving home that night I realized just how right he was. For some reason I thought that just because I was divorced and had a child that that made me … Continue reading

Claiming Your Baggage

Do you ever feel like you have a lot of baggage? I know I do. I remember the night my ex husband and I split, thinking to myself, “You’re 21, you’re divorced, and you have a two year old. Who in their right mind is going to want to take that on?” Of course at the time I was feeling rather down on myself in light of recent events, as most of us are when we go through something like that. It tends to take a toll on our self-esteem. But there are still days even now when I have … Continue reading

Where Are You?

So you’re ready to start dating again and you are worried about how in the world you are going to go out there and find Mr. Right? As a single mom it can be hard to get out there and meet people. Your days are filled with kids and messes and work and more messes and running errands and, you guessed it, more messes! How do you possibly find the time to date in there too? It isn’t easy. Trying to find a babysitter so you can go out on Friday night can be more than a hassle. Instead I … Continue reading

Keeping “Family Issues” In Perspective

It’s hard not to look to heredity or family history to explain the myriad of behavior issues that can come up with our kids. After all, we really WANT to have someone or something to blame so we don’t have to live with the ambiguity and the wondering of why exactly they are behaving the way they are. There is a danger, however, in letting “family issues” and family history takeover and not dealing with our children as individuals living in the here and now. I think of those family issues like a comfy old sweater—it’s so hard not to … Continue reading