Co Sleeping with Baby Number One Part II

With more confidence in co sleeping (although I had more experience with the co than the sleeping bit… I was one tired mommy), I figured that it was time to try nursing in the side laying position. Once the breastfeeding pain had largely diminished and when my son was more sturdy (around three or four weeks). We ventured into the wonderful world of baby nursing while mommy can fall asleep in a more comfortable position (laying down instead of sitting up). This worked well and I was finally getting some sleep without having to get out of bed or sit … Continue reading

Where’s My Manual

When Hailey was born many times I wished for a manual. Something that would guide me and let me know if I was doing the right thing. Eventually, I learned enough about my baby that she was able to tell me what she needed and together, we figured this thing out. However when I got divorced I was once again looking for that manual. What do I do first? What kind of relationship should I have with my ex husband? Where should we live? Is it ok for Hailey to change schools? What if my ex misses his weekend with … Continue reading