Study Connects Allergies to Bullying

Two recently published studies connect bullying to things that parents might not immediately think would make a child a target for a bully. The studies found that kids with food allergies, and kids who are overweight, are especially likely to get bullied. You might want to talk with your kids to see if this is something they are experiencing at school. Much has been said of the negative impact that bullies have on the peers that they target. It happens at school, on the playground, and across the internet. Sadly, there have been several stories in the news about teens … Continue reading

The Horror of Cyber Bullying

I read a story today of a 15 year old girl who committed suicide this week because of the relentless bullying she was getting both at school and online. A month before her death she posted a youtube video sharing her story in hopes that it would help someone else going through the same thing. I’m not sure why her story stuck with me so much, but I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it all night. This girl was absolutely beautiful and incredibly talented, yet even in death, there were many cruel comments posted on the video. I … Continue reading

How to Handle Bullying

October is a month that has been dedicated to the anti-bullying initiative, however, this is something that should be addressed continually throughout the year. It is something we are all familiar with, but when your child becomes the victim of it, it can be difficult to decide how to handle the situation. Teach your children early on that it’s not okay for anyone to treat them poorly. If one of the kids hurt their feelings at school, be sure to tell them that just because someone said something mean about them doesn’t make it true. Let them know that it … Continue reading

Preventing Cyber Bullying

Unsupervised kids and the internet are a bad combination. As a single mother it’s almost impossible to watch your child every second they are on the computer. Somehow, we must, until they are old enough to really understand the dangers it is our job to protect them from themselves. Young girls do not understand that people are not always who they say they are, that boy from the next town they are chatting with may very well be a grown man preying on young girls. There are many ways to protect kids online, the biggest being keeping the computer in … Continue reading


Bullying has been around since the beginning of time. We have all been touched by it at some point in our lives, whether as children or as adults. I recently read an article that stated that bullying is on the rise again. What a sad sentiment to think about. Every time I see the kids out at recess I am reminded of just how true these statements are. Kids are getting meaner and meaner. For many children school is no longer a safe haven. How do we help our children navigate through these difficult school years, especially as a single … Continue reading

Cyber Bullying

Usually my ex husband and I get along. I believe we have done a better than average job of getting along for Hailey’s sake. In the beginning my ex was not all that pleasant and there were times when he said things around Hailey that were inappropriate but once he worked through his anger about the divorce things got better. We have even celebrated holidays and birthdays together so Hailey would never be torn between her parents. Friends and family couldn’t believe how well we got along. That all changed when Hailey turned eighteen. Suddenly her father was not speaking … Continue reading

New Survey Addresses Cyber-Bullying

Several articles ago, I addressed a new problem faced by teachers and school administrators. That problem deals with the new capabilities of technology. Using technology to defame or ridicule others is known as cyber-bullying. In my article I discussed how Canada is now acting out against cyber-bullies. Students can be punished and even expelled for acts of cyber-bullying regardless of where the act took place. A recent survey showed that 84 % of the teachers surveyed had been victims of cyber-bullying. Some of the results even suggested that the humiliation of cyber-bullying contributed to teachers getting out of the teaching … Continue reading

Canada Fights Cyberbullying

Each time that I think I could never hear of students carrying out more selfish, hurtful acts, one comes along and bewilders me even more. Students can be very harsh and thoughtless toward other students and teachers alike. In my county, we have had teachers’ cell phones stolen, tires slashed, and cleaners placed in drinks. However, it now appears that students are taking these acts of bullying to a new level. Technology is placing a new spin on how students can terrorize others. One teacher in Canada found this out the hard way. A group of students found her cell … Continue reading

Racist Bullying in School

As I have been previously blogging about, bullying is a very real problem facing schools and educators today. I have touched upon, in previous blogs, some other types of bullying such as emotional bullying, physical bullying and cyber bullying. Today I wish to discuss an incredibly sensitive type of bullying, bullying that occurs because of the color of one’s skin or his or her cultural or religious background. As a teacher, it is incredibly disheartening to even think about this type of bullying occurring. I firmly believe that every child, no matter the color of his skin or his religious … Continue reading

Physical Bullying in Schools

Bullying is often considered an act of physical aggression towards another student. As I have discussed in two of my previous blogs, bullying also can come in other forms, such as emotional and cyber bullying. Physical bullying is perhaps the most well known form of bullying and is often the type of bullying that boys choose to use. Did you know that physical bullying often starts to increase as students go from year to year in elementary school? Did you know that it often peaks during middle school and it often begins to slow down during high school? What is … Continue reading