Finding the Right Daycare

Many of us as single parents are forced to put our children in daycare at one time or another. Now that you only have one income the pressure to provide can be overwhelming. As much as you hate being away from your children, there often is no other option. Trusting someone else to care for your children while you are away can be a challenge for many single parents. You want to make sure they are well cared for, but you also don’t want to pay an arm and a leg for someone to do it. Naturally daycare can be … Continue reading

Daycare Germs

As a single parent it is difficult to keep your child home from daycare every time they get the common cold. You only have so many sick days, and with the snow still falling, your child may frequently end up with the sniffles. Other parents are facing the same dilemma, which means that at any given time your child is going to be around a fair amount of germs while they are at daycare. While this situation isn’t entirely ideal, there are some benefits that come from it as well. Children who stay home are less prone to getting colds … Continue reading

Living with Dogs Might Improve Baby Health

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a real reason to keep our dogs around our babies? Some people are terrified of the idea, thinking that it’s dangerous to let dogs around small children. At first it’s best never to leave dogs alone with babies, to make sure the animals know to be gentle around them. However, we pet owners know that some dogs are great with babies. There have already been some studies about how being around dogs in the first year of infancy can help reduce the chances of a child later developing allergies to dogs, but what about … Continue reading

Tummy Troubles

Last night I was reminded how hard it is to be a single mother of a toddler. I kept my friend’s three year old over night. I love spending time with this little girl, we played games and watched movies. In the middle of the night I heard a noise, it was sweet little Ivy, she had thrown up in her bed. Now if there are two parents one of them can clean up the child while the other ones strips the bed. Since there was only me, I cleaned Ivy up and tucked her into my bed. By that … Continue reading

Single Parenthood for the Rich and Famous

Isn’t it nice to know that Madonna struggles as a single parent too? Excuse me while I go in the other room and scream! I may be a little bitter about it but if I hear one more extremely wealthy woman complain about how hard it is to juggle single motherhood and her career I think my head is going to explode. I wonder how many nights Madonna has walked the floor with a teething infant or been woken up multiple times by a toddler with night terrors and then had to take that same tired, cranky child to daycare … Continue reading

Dramatic Play: Aeromax My 1st Career Gear

Children love to role play. Having spent a lot time around children through having my own daycare to having children to teaching Sunday school, I know that once you bring out the dress up boxes or pretend boxes you will have children engaged in play. Children are always trying to be like the adults around them. They see a certain magic in the world of grownups. Being unaware of bills and stress all they see is adults doing very cool things like fixing boo boos, putting out fires, or baking cakes. Meshing these ideas together into a day of dramatic … Continue reading

Cutting Back on Expenses to Stay at Home with Your Child

When planning for our first child, we figured that I would take some time off but eventually head back to work at least a few days a week. I didn’t want to send my baby off to daycare, but we didn’t think we could manage to pay our bills unless I did. Then fate threw us a curveball. Our daughter couldn’t go to daycare, at least not for the first 6 months, and after that, it would still be better if she didn’t. Having cystic fibrosis means avoiding people with colds and respiratory viruses at all costs and, as we … Continue reading

Early Day Care Will Not Reduce Illness Later

One of the reasons many parents say that they put their children into daycare or early preschool is so the kids will be exposed to more germs and therefore get their illnesses over with before they reach school age, when absence from school may have more of an impact. I knew a mom once who firmly believed in the idea of exposing her kids early to illnesses. In fact, she ran a day care, and if a child came in sick, she would make sure that her children were playing with that child and sharing toys, in order to increase … Continue reading

The Six Options for Child Care

Searching for child care, whether it is occasional or full time means that you are searching for your substitute. When considering child care, it is helpful to know about the six different options that you may have. In Home Care This is probably the most desirable option for your baby. In home care means that your baby stays in the home and is cared for by a parent, a relative, a friend or a hired caregiver. In home care means that your baby has familiar surroundings, familiar toys, familiar germs and does not need to be transported. Shared Care With … Continue reading

Do You Know About Synagis?

If you have a preemie, your pediatrician should’ve already spoken to you about RSV season which is coming upon us. I am generally of the persuasion that kids get germs, they get sick and they get over it. Except when it comes to preemies. If you have a preemie you have the right, and really the responsibility to be a germophobe. RSV is no joke and protecting your little preemie from it should be your passion. So go ahead, buy the grocery cart covers and carry Purell with you everywhere. These are two ways that you can help protect your … Continue reading