Feelings do Pass

When we are in the midst of strong emotions and feelings, it can seem as though things will never change. Overwhelming feelings like depression, frustration, regret and others can really take hold of us. It is important, therefore, to remind ourselves that everything changes—all feelings do pass and even if it feels completely overwhelming today, it will likely change tomorrow or the next day… Single parents do not have the market cornered on strong, overwhelming feelings but I have yet to meet a single parent who does not wrestle with occasional bouts of pretty heavy emotions. For some odd reason, … Continue reading

Admitting to Emotions in Business

You have probably heard people say things like: “It’s just business,” or “This is not personal, it is business.” Is it really true that business and emotions DON’T mix? I know that some of my favorite bosses and most effective coworkers and mentors have actually been people who brought their emotions and feelings into work. I’m not talking about people who throw temper tantrums and act moody in the workplace, but passionate, thoughtful, caring, emotional people. I think that a strong case can be made for the importance of having a healthy attachment to one’s emotions and bringing them into … Continue reading