When One Parent’s Spoiling Results in Conflict With the Other Parent

One of my comments from my previous post about chores for children asked what to do when one parent has chores and the other doesn’t. I, for one, can relate to that question since my ex-husband does everything for the kids when they are with him. Maybe he is doing it out of guilt for not being with them every day, maybe he doesn’t think they should spend their time with him doing work, or maybe he just doesn’t “get” that they should be picking up after themselves, or otherwise doing certain things for themselves. Whatever the reason is, the … Continue reading

Alhohol Abuse in Single-Parent Teens

Studies have shown that children who are raised in single parent households are at a higher risk of developing alcohol-related problems. This could possibly be due to low supervision, inconsistent discipline, poor communication, or conflicts within the family. Teens with the highest risk of developing alcoholism are girls, those who begin drinking prior to age 14, and those with a parent who suffers from alcohol-related problems. Alcohol contributes to a number of problems, including an inability to pay attention, the risk for developing alcoholism, car-related deaths, higher risk for suicide, greater possibility of engaging in unprotected sex or sex with … Continue reading

You Can’t Fill Every Role As A Single Parent

Single parents often feel very alone, almost like you’re the only one in the world facing these particular problems and challenges. Although everyone does have their personal uphill battles, according to the US Census Bureau, in 2006 there were 12.9 million one-parent families in the United States. Of those, 10.4 million were single mothers. Assuredly, today there are millions more. So, the good news is that we really aren’t alone. The bad news is, it’s still a tough job fulfilling so many roles. Is it really possible to be everything to your child or children? As a self-proclaimed workaholic and … Continue reading

How Dogs Can Train Each Other

In my home there are three teenage girls, three cats, a rat, and two dogs. The cats are the least amount of trouble since all they require is food, water, a clean litter box and love-on-demand. I’m not very fond of the rat, but he was about to become homeless since his owner packed up and moved out of state, so “Spock” now lives with us. The teenage girls? Well, that’s where my gray hairs and stomach ailments have come from, though for the most part our home is fun, if not slightly disorganized. This brings me to our dogs. … Continue reading

Apple Cider Vinegar for Digestive Health

Until I found out how well organic apple cider vinegar worked for a variety of ailments, I was the type of person who had over-the-counter and herbal remedies for just about everything. Due to the stress of being a single parent and lifestyle factors, I’ve always suffered with digestive problems and had probably spent thousands of dollars over the years on antacids, and various natural supplements. They’d help a bit, but nothing actually did the trick. Although I’ve been on a tight budget since my divorce, I decided to change my diet. Searching online I found a wealth of information, … Continue reading

What if My Children’s Other Parent Won’t Take Them to Church on Easter?

Co-parenting is not always easy. It is inevitable that you and your ex will have varying opinions on a variety of issues, from discipline to education to religion. However, religious differences can really come to a head around holidays, such as Easter, when one parent feels that it is important the children attend a religious service, while the other parent does not. If your children will be spending Easter with a parent who does not share your views on the importance of attending church on this sacred day, there are some things you can do to take action. First, try … Continue reading

Do You Miss That Extra Paycheck Since Splitting Up?

If you miss having a second income since your divorce or feel you may have permanently messed up your children with the breakup, read on and see why this was truly the best decision you could have made. The truth is that many single parents live on one paycheck, myself included, but it’s not easy to leave financial security behind and venture off on your own. As a life and relationship coach, I’ve helped thousands of women over the years to get out of unhealthy relationships, raise their confidence, and find more fulfilling lives and loves. When a woman is … Continue reading

Volunteering – Time For Yourself While Helping Others

For the past seven years I’ve been a work at home mom. I love the flexibility it offers since I can start and stop any time I please, take vacations, and not have a boss breathing down my neck. Well, to be honest, I’m the worst boss ever. I tend to push myself too hard and since I do work from home, all I think about when I’m at home is work. Whether I’m online writing articles, counseling a client, doing a movie review, or cooking and cleaning when I’m offline, I always tend to work. Since my kids are … Continue reading

Finding Me Time And Not Feeling Guilty About It

Anyone who’s a single parent knows it’s a full-time job and then some. You fulfill the role as maid, nurse, cook, disciplinarian, leader, handyman, psychologist, friend, confidant, teacher, and more. Combined with the fact that I homeschooled my kids and had a full-time job, so I could pay the bills, keep a roof over our heads, and clothes on our backs, it left no time for “me” time. Or so I thought. I went through two decades of setting myself aside so I could take care of the house, the kids and everything else that was crammed into my already … Continue reading