The Process of Learning to Trust Again

Many of us have found our way to single parenthood by walking through a minefield of betrayed and battered trust issues. On the road to becoming so independent and self-sufficient, we may have “learned” that we really cannot trust anyone else. In our determination to be dependable and responsible in taking care of our child or children, we may have told ourselves that we really cannot trust anyone else. One of the challenges of rebuilding a life as a single parent is to learn how to grow from this place, and start the process of learning to trust again. I … Continue reading

Don’t Give In To “What If”

I think that “what ifs” can be the downfall of many of us—but they can really get a single parent off track. Getting caught up in worry, anxiety, self-doubt and wondering “what if” over everything that happens can keep us from being productive and happy in the way our lives are now. What if the child support payment doesn’t come? What if I have to work overtime? What if my child gets sick and can’t go to day care? What if I have to take that transfer? What if I can’t get into the classes I want? What if I … Continue reading

Being Afraid to Make a Decision

One of the results of going through a crisis or a major life transition (something big like a divorce, separation or death) is that we can get immobilized and afraid to make decisions. As single parents, we may feel like we have made poor decisions in the past and how one earth can we trust ourselves to make decent ones now? Especially now?! In reality, making decisions and choices is what can get us OUT of that feeling of immobilized fear. Confidence and self-esteem come from taking charge of our own lives and that means making decisions. This lesson is … Continue reading