Eating Habits Of Busy Moms

I worry about what I’ve taught my daughter about food. One area that I don’t worry about is body image, she and I are both naturally thin and can pretty much eat anything we want. I don’t think Hailey has ever even heard me use the word diet and she’s certainly never seen me deprive myself of my favorite foods. What I worry about is all the packaged and convenience foods she’s eaten over the years. When I was married I cooked most nights, actual meals, not just heating something up in the microwave. When I got divorced I worked … Continue reading

52 Fitness Changes – Part 1

Imagine how different your life would be if you made 52 fitness changes. Of course, most of us cannot even imagine such a thing. It would be too much. But what if you broke that down? Instead of making 52 changes at one time, you made one change per week? Now that sounds a bit more doable, doesn’t it? Well that is going to be my challenge for you in the next five blogs. I am going to provide a breakdown of changes you can make each week. My suggestion is that you print these blogs, so you have them … Continue reading

Body Image

Before I got divorced I rarely worried about my weight, I was younger and I was married. My weight had never been a problem. Then I got divorced and started dating. Sometimes dating feels like swimming with sharks, everyone is trying to look their best, be their best, make the best first impression. Suddenly I worried about things I never worried about before, like my weight. It’s perfectly normal to want to look and feel our best, however we do need to be careful with the messages we are sending our daughters. Young girls are so impressionable and we are … Continue reading

Parental Pet Peeves

Where to start… hmmm… how about with this: Parents who grocery shop with their iPods cranking while their five kids under the age of 10 are running around, screaming, yelling, eating grapes directly from the display, hacking up a lung on mounds of fresh apples and pocketing individually-wrapped caramel squares from the bulk candy bins. The entire store is staring in disbelief at the chaos the kids are creating, but the mom is too busy jamming to “Mambo No. 5” to notice. Parents who watch for a couple of minutes while their kid has a full-on meltdown in the middle … Continue reading

Toddler Fun Foods

It can be difficult to get toddlers to eat. Most are finicky eaters and do not like to try new foods. Several toddlers only want their favorite foods and complain about trying different foods. Making “fun foods” can help convince your toddlers to try new and healthy foods and snacks. Let’s look at some “fun food” ideas: Fun Shaped Sandwiches Take any peanut butter and jelly sandwich and cut it with a cookie cutter for an instant favorite. Use cookie cutters for ham and cheese sandwiches, tuna salad sandwiches or any kind of sandwich that your child eats. If it … Continue reading