Focus on the Candidates – Marco Rubio

This blog is part of the series that focuses on the candidates who are running for President of the United States in the 2016 election. This blog focuses on Marco Rubio. Marco Rubio is the son of Cuban immigrants. He started out as a City Commissioner for West Miami. In 2000, he was elected to the Florida House of Representatives. In 2006, he became the Speaker of the Florida House of Representatives. Marco Rubio became a United States Senator in 2011. Health Care According to his official website Marco Rubio believes “that Obamacare cannot be fixed and must be fully … Continue reading

How Old is Too Old for Trick-or-Treating?

Trick-or-treating is a big part of Halloween. It is pretty obvious that this tradition was designed for children to participate in (often accompanied by their parents). Is there an “age limit” for trick-or-treating? At what age does a child become too old to go trick-or-treating? Ultimately, a parent needs to make that decision for themselves. Here are some things to consider when wondering if your child is too old to trick-or-treat this year. Check the local rules. Many cities or towns will issue specific rules regarding trick-or-treating. These rules usually consist of things like the hour that trick-or-treating can begin … Continue reading

Where to Find Great Recipes from Kraft

What will you be feeding your family for dinner tonight? There are times when that is a rather difficult question to answer. It helps if you have plenty of recipes to choose from. Fortunately, there are many places to find recipes from Kraft. There was a time when people had to rely on cookbooks, women’s magazines, and the box of handwritten recipes that their mother and grandmother handed down to them for recipe ideas. Today, companies that make food products are very active online. This makes it really easy to find plenty of recipes that include products from your favorite … Continue reading

Ditching the Husband to Hang with the In-Laws

The in-laws can be a dreaded part of the marriage experience, for some more so than others, and especially for the wife facing her husband’s family. I’ve had a little tension with Jonathan’s relatives, but overall my experience with them has been overwhelmingly positive. In fact, I don’t always need Jonathan around as a “buffer” or even just as an excuse, to spend time with his relatives. Jon’s part of a big family so there are a number of people with whom for me to interact. I first really hit it off with his older sister. We’re very similar in … Continue reading

When to Ask the Big Questions

Last time I examined whether or not premarital counseling ought to be a considered option for couples before they marry. Today I’ll look at another part of the question: how much couples should know about each other before they approach the altar. The main reason why premarital counseling might be a good idea is because sometimes people don’t know the sorts of things they ought to know about each other before they get married. The idea was sparked by a girl who called into my local radio station to say that she’d signed herself and her fiance up for counseling. … Continue reading

I Love February

I love February. Every year it reminds me that Spring is right around the corner. I’ve always looked forward to spring and summer. As a single mom summer seemed easier than the school year. There were no buses to catch, homework to oversee, or bedtimes to enforce. Spring was always a wonderful time of new beginnings and longer days, more daylight hours to spend with my daughter. Somehow the shorter days of winter seemed really, shorter, like there were fewer hours and so much more to do. So for me, February is a time of anticipation. Money is generally tight … Continue reading

Tips to Make Christmas Easier on Kids with Autism

There are plenty of things about Christmas that can be very stressful for kids who have an autism spectrum disorder. Their “system” gets thrown off when there is no school. Here are a few tips that can help make Christmas a bit easier on a child who has autism. Let’s face it: Christmas is one holiday that can easily takeover one’s daily experiences. From the perspective of a child who has autism, this can be stressful, anxiety producing, and perhaps even too much to deal with. Kids get a few weeks off of school at Christmastime. This means that the … Continue reading

Helping Your Child Overcome Shyness

My son is naturally shy. Researchers claim that it’s a genetic trait. So in reality, my son’s shyness does not surprise me at all. As a child, I wouldn’t even play games at my friend’s birthday parties. I had an intense fear of failure and I was worried the kids wouldn’t like me. Looking back, the fears were highly irrational, but try telling that to a six year old little girl! I had a few close friends, but I didn’t branch out too much. I was well liked and very focused in school, but when it came to social settings, … Continue reading

Grandparents as Single Parents

Anyone will tell you that raising children alone is hard. Raising children is hard no matter how many parents live in the home. These kids did not come with an instruction manual so we are all just winging it and hoping for the best. Every day is a new challenge and sometimes I don’t feel up to it but you just have to keep moving forward. I don’t know about you, but at my age I can’t imagine starting over with little ones, especially by myself, but it happens every day. More and more grandparents are raising their grandchildren due … Continue reading

Are Stay-at-Home Moms More Depressed Than Working Moms?

This weekend I read on “Health Day” that a new study shows stay-at-home moms are more likely to display symptoms of depression than those women who work outside the home. Yet the study also found that despite this, working moms who are overworked and out of balance are more likely to be depressed, as opposed to those who work outside the home and have a good order of things. I honestly don’t think it really has anything to do with whether or not you work inside or outside the home. In either situation you can be out of balance. I … Continue reading