Facing Your Fears

We all have different fears throughout our lives. After a divorce it seems that many of those fears are intensified. I was deathly afraid of another marriage. My first marriage had failed miserably and I couldn’t bear the thought of going through that pain again. Ultimately I knew that I wanted to be able to have a family again, but I wasn’t sure I was ready to feel the vulnerability that would come with that. I wasn’t ready to run the risk of that kind of rejection again. My divorce had taken such a toll on my self-esteem, I wasn’t … Continue reading

Single Parent, But Never Alone

There are times when you are going to feel very much alone in being a single parent. There are going to be those days when you feel that nobody understands, not even the ones that you are closest to and that know your situation. On those days, in those moments you must remember this: I may be a single parent, but I am never alone. There is someone that is by my side every moment of the day. Even when I am sleeping, I am protected. There may be moments that something happens that is very discouraging. I may wonder … Continue reading

When Fear of a Battle Keeps You from Speaking Up

Many of us single parents feel as though we have seen our share of battles. Perhaps we had a tough divorce or separation, or we have had to do battle for custody, battle with our ex or other family members, or we feel as though we are constantly fighting at work or on other fronts. This overload of battles can make us feel as though we just do not have another fight left in us and can contribute to us avoiding speaking up or standing up for what we feel is going on, in order to avoid any more battles. … Continue reading

Facing a Marriage Crisis

In a previous article I wrote about how alone I’ve felt lately. It’s to the point where I’m asking, “What’s the point of this relationship? Mostly he’s good to me, yes –when he’s available. And once in a while he does incredibly thoughtful things like how he did when he welcomed my mom. But the job is all-consuming anymore and he rarely has time for me. Not even when it’s serious stuff like it has been with my mom. And I don’t know if it really has to be that way, or if he’s using work as an excuse to … Continue reading

Facing the Fear of Being Alone

We have talked about loneliness now and again here in the Single Parent’s blog. I realize that there are some of us who wrestle with this issue a lot while others of us have either moved past it, or it has never really been an issue for us. Regardless, loneliness can be an issue for a single parent and for many of us, we first have to face our fears—mostly our fear of being and staying alone. My relationship with loneliness has been fairly common—I found that I was much lonelier when I was married or partnered than I ever … Continue reading


It’s easy to see why parenting and paranoia go hand in hand. Between bullying, natural disasters, stranger danger, and suicide, parents have a lot to contend with when it comes to protecting their offspring from the world’s perils. However, just when you thought you’ve reached your capacity for worrying, along comes yet another reason to fret. The latest concern for parents with young children: being diagnosed with cancer… just nine days after your spouse is given the same news. It seems unthinkable, right? Wrong. Just ask Nathan and Elisa Bond, who made headlines recently when they were both diagnosed with … Continue reading

Is Two Better Than One?

Yesterday I learned that a fellow CF (cystic fibrosis) mother’s second baby also has CF, just like her first. This hurt. She, like me, found out she was pregnant with baby number two while struggling to decide whether to get pregnant again at all. CF is genetic, which leaves a 1 in 4 chance of any of your children having CF if both parents are carriers of the defective gene. She, like me, refused any prenatal testing due to the risk of miscarriage and went forward with the pregnancy with all the hope and fear in the world. For her … Continue reading