Tips For Gathering And Supporting Family

The month of December includes several holidays, including Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanzaa, and Solstice. Many people enjoy gathering together to celebrate with members of their families during these holiday celebrations. For best results, follow these tips for gathering and supporting family members. Plan Gatherings Around The Most Vulnerable Family Members CNBC News reported advice from Dr. Katrine Wallace, an epidemiologist at the University of Illinois Chicago. Her number one piece of advice is to plan gatherings around the most vulnerable family members. Vulnerable communities include people who are immunocompromised, children, and elderly people. Dr. Wallace listed the following examples of how … Continue reading

Re-Evaluating your Family Media Boundaries this Summer

While driving on a trip or around town do you find yourself yelling, “Look up! Baby cows, or bald eagle!” or pointing out some other exciting view out the window? The goal is for your kids to disengage and not miss the world passing them by. Take time this week to sit down and make a plan for your family digital diet.  For everyone.  In 2015 we struggle with all the media options we have starting at a very young age.  Take the time to set boundaries for this diet to keep your life balanced. Look for our upcoming series … Continue reading

How Many Races Are In Your Family Tree?

The way that Americans perceive race today is very different then how our ancestors would have defined it. Is there more than one race in your family tree? Learning more about the race of your ancestors can be complex, depending on the time the person lived, and the way race was defined on certain documents. Students who are in college right now make up the largest group of mixed-race people of any generation to come of age, so far. According to the Pew Research Center, who used data from 2008 and 2009, one in seven new marriages is between spouses … Continue reading

Setting Boundaries In Your Home-Based Business

One thing that new home-based professionals often have trouble with is establishing boundaries between home and work. Establishing those boundaries now will not only make you feel better about your choice to become a home-based professional, it will help you to establish the good work habits that you need in order to be successful. A good first step is to set a work schedule that is realistic. To determine what a realistic work schedule is for you, take out a calendar and look at a typical week. A calendar that has a lot of space to write on each day … Continue reading

The Importance of Setting and Maintaining Boundaries

With all of the technological innovations that have come into common use in recent years, it’s easier than ever to run a business from home. While technology is an essential part of any home based business, the 24/7 instant access that it provides may leave you feeling like you can never completely “unplug” from your business. The question is, what effect does being on-demand, all the time have on your business and personal life, and how can you balance being available for your business with being available for your family, yourself, and your life. An unfortunate consequence of the instant … Continue reading

The Importance of Boundaries for Good Mental Health (3)

We have recently looked at how Marcus was forced by his father to do a dentistry degree that he wasn’t interested in and also how Jane fought a several month battle against her mother to not use a pacifier for her baby daughter. These are two widely varying but similar situations in which a person, in both cases, an overbearing, disrespectful adult, wanted to impose their will upon that of their adult child. You can read about these two cases by clicking on the links below. They are both typical examples of how one person does not “see” or respect … Continue reading

The Importance of Boundaries for Good Mental Health (1)

The term “having good boundaries” is often used when describing psychological situations or relations between two or more individuals. A boundary is like your own personal fence, and if you have a good set of boundaries, you will largely control what you allow people to say and do to you. I say largely, because none of us have absolute control over how other people treat us. If we are in a job where we are treated badly by the boss and we need the money desperately, then we must learn to put up with the bad behavior to pay our … Continue reading

Getting the Family Dog Ready for Baby

If your family owns a dog and you are expecting a baby, you might be wondering how to prepare your family pet for the baby’s arrival. Here are some tips and precautions for introducing a baby to a home with a dog. Before the baby is born, play some tracks of a baby crying. If the dog starts barking or becomes aggressive at the sound, correct him. You want the dog to think nothing of this sound, because he will be hearing it quite often soon enough and you don’t want it to trigger aggressive (or just plain annoying) behavior. … Continue reading

Helping Your Family Adjust to Your New Calling

When you receive a new calling there is a period of time in which you adjust to the new calling and the demands that it puts on you. However there are some callings that are more demanding than others. Additionally these callings may take up so much of your time that your entire family has to adjust to the calling. Here are some tips to help you and your family adjust to the calling. First set up some boundaries about time that will always be just family time. It is important that you make sure that your family time does … Continue reading

Peaceful Family Life

Every so often I wonder at whether or not my home environment is everything I want it to be. Before I had children I really worked to have a peaceful home environment. I kept the house picked up, and managed to keep the noise level very low and peaceful. And I managed to do okay with one child, and it only got a little bit worse with two, but with three children, it is a struggle to create that environment in my home. And so I had to rethink what I meant by a peaceful home environment. Now I still … Continue reading