Patient and Family Advocacy Groups

When Maggie was just a few months old, I attended a cystic fibrosis education night put on by the local CF patient and family advisory group that I didn’t know existed until that night. Not only did I learn about CF and how our local CF clinic compares to others across the country, I found a way to turn the pain from Maggie’s diagnosis into a new purpose. That night, I signed up to join the group, and have been attending the monthly meetings for over a year. It was one of the best decisions I could have made. I … Continue reading

Family Meetings

Family meetings are times for families to come together and discuss issues that affect the household. Topics can be about anything, from school, to chores, to vacation planning. You could also hold meetings just as a way to ensure that your family spends time together on a regular basis, with no agenda to the meetings at all. Family meetings are a great way to promote open discussion between yourself and your children. Children whose families engage in regular family meetings are less likely to get into trouble, abuse drugs or alcohol, develop depression, or have poor self-esteem. Any member of … Continue reading

What is at the Center of Your Family?

In my last blog, I wrote about Jean Liedloff’s book The Continuum Concept. Liedloff spent two years in the South American jungle with indigenous tribes, and she wrote an account of their family life. Many of her principles are also those of attachment parenting. In the book, Liedloff says that the tribal people she lived with went about their business with their babies in arms or on their backs. Babies were integrated into the social life of the tribe. Few people in my city seem to have such a tribe. I’m lucky enough to have both sets of grandparents nearby. … Continue reading

Helping Your Family Adjust to Your New Calling

When you receive a new calling there is a period of time in which you adjust to the new calling and the demands that it puts on you. However there are some callings that are more demanding than others. Additionally these callings may take up so much of your time that your entire family has to adjust to the calling. Here are some tips to help you and your family adjust to the calling. First set up some boundaries about time that will always be just family time. It is important that you make sure that your family time does … Continue reading

Family Home Evening: Troubleshoot Your Problems

Family home evening and family council are designed to help you bring more focus in your family life. At times it may feel like you are just going through the motions to meet each week as a family with family home evening or that your family council meetings are not as effective as you would like them to be. It is important to make the most of the time that you have together as a family. If you feel that your family home evenings are not effective ask yourself these five questions, and you will likely find yourself back on … Continue reading

The Duggar’s Welcome Another Female to the Family

Hold on! It’s not what you think… Michelle Duggar did NOT give birth to baby No. 18 yet (she is due in January). Rather, the famously fertile family from Arkansas is a bit bigger today thanks to 20-year-old Josh Duggar getting hitched over the weekend. It’s the first wedding in the Duggar family since mom Michelle and dad Jim Bob wed more than two decades ago. According to a Florida newspaper, Josh, the oldest of the Duggar’s 17 children, married 20-year-old Anna Keller in an intimate ceremony Friday night. The young couple reportedly met at a home-schoolers’ conference in 2006 … Continue reading

Finding Family Time

As parents it is important to find a balance between church meetings and family time. This becomes even trickier if you are in a leadership position or once you have youth aged children in the home. It is difficult because you are also trying to juggle other activities as well. As you take the time to make the right choices for your family, you should make sure that you are making the most of the time you do set aside for family. Here are some things to consider as you find the right balance for your family. Are the meetings … Continue reading

Spiritually Nourish Your Family

As parents we are always striving to care for children. Often times this will focus on caring for them physically. We make sure that they have food to eat and get adequate rest. We take them to the doctor and teach them how to take care of themselves. But are we focused on caring for our children’s spiritual needs on a regular basis? It is important to take time each day to help your children spiritually. The easiest and most basic way to do this is to have family prayer and scripture study. Family home evening also gives you the … Continue reading

Tending to Family Without Losing Ground on the Work Front

One of the things you will hear when a group of single parents get together is that we often feel like when we are at home, we should be working and when we are at work—we should be taking care of home stuff. We need work flexibility and to be able to take off and tend to family business, but there is the worry and risk that we will slip behind or jeopardize our positions at work. How can we take care of family business and not compromise our work and careers? I think that it can depend on the … Continue reading

Family Meeting or Group Therapy Session?

We always used family meetings to work out “stuff”—from planning a trip or vacation, to redistributing chores, to even talking through “issues” that were going on in the family. Sometimes, our family meetings were efficient and effect ways of staying in touch and getting things accomplished, other times they ended up more like group therapy sessions. I do not see anything wrong with family meetings ending up as group therapy sessions—as long as they are loving and functional meetings regardless. Where things go wrong is when one person gets “ganged up” on or when meetings are called for one purpose … Continue reading