A Tip for More Peaceable Family Gatherings

This holiday season, I realized that one important communication skill is essential to surviving many a holiday gathering. Those of you that read this blog regularly know that I love words, so I am excited to inform you that this magical skill has a name – tact. Tact is a word that refers both skill in dealing with difficult or delicate situations or a knack for knowing what to say or do in order to avoid offending others. In a time where people often pride themselves on being “uncensored”, letting their opinions be known, or saying what is on their … Continue reading

Holiday Traditions Transitioning

How have your holiday traditions changed since becoming a single parent? Did you totally redesign what the holidays meant to you or did you stay the course, changing as little as possible? Ours have mostly stayed the same, I am a creature of habit and I think my daughter really dislikes change. So we’ve kept most of the traditions she has known since infancy. The biggest change is that we celebrate more with friends. That may have occurred even if I had stayed married. I think that change just naturally evolved and had nothing to do with being single. I … Continue reading

Are You Making Things Harder on Yourself?

Still in a turkey coma? I wish I was, too much cleaning and decorating going on at my house. Remember the good old days when Mom just made everything magically appear and all you had to do was enjoy? When I was growing up the tradition was that Santa put the tree up on Christmas Eve. Looking back I’m not sure if that made things harder or easier. Especially when my mother was a single mother. It’s so hard to get everything ready all by yourself. I can’t imagine how hard that was to do alone. Get the kids to … Continue reading