Fantasies, Daydreams and Single Parenting

It may seem like the typical single parent has to be a constant pragmatist–after all, we do have to deal with the every day realities of family life without much respite. Plus, many of us may have suffered through the shattering or shifting of our dreams and it can be tough to muster up the courage to revisit those dreams or figure out what we want our lives to look like now. Despite all those realistic realities–I do think that daydreams, fantasy and imagination can be important coping and inspirational tools for a single parent. I’m not talking about living … Continue reading

Fairytale Endings

As little girls we spent our days dreaming of that knight in shining armor who was going to sweep us off our feet. He’d lift us up onto that white horse of his and we’d ride off into the sunset to find a world of perfect children who always listened, were never dirty, and cleaned their rooms without ever being asked. There is never any laundry and the dishes are always clean. Then we grew up and had to find out for ourselves that life isn’t quite the fairytale we always dreamed of. My son rarely listens, is usually dirty, … Continue reading

Letting go of Illusions

Sometimes, our denial and illusions can be a benefit—especially in the early stages of starting a business. I know that I needed a certain amount of “moxy” when I took the plunge and started working on my own. As we strive to build our businesses, however, we do need to let go of that denial and those illusions so that we can see things more clearly. We need to be able to “get real” when it comes to our skills and talents and strengths and weaknesses. The word “illusion” is a synonym for “delusion” and illusions are false ideas or … Continue reading