Thrift Store Treasures

If you are a single mother, chances are money is pretty tight around this time of year, well let’s face it, money is tight all year round! With the holidays right around the corner you may be feeling the financial pressure weighing on your shoulders. It’s hard to provide Christmas for your children when you are already struggling to make it on your own. However, there are lots of things that can make this time a little less stressful for a single mother. Yesterday afternoon Logan and I went to a local thrift store with some friends of ours. We … Continue reading

Something To Look Forward To

Being a mom isn’t easy, doing it alone is even harder. With the countless things we have to do each day, it’s a wonder any of us have survived as long as we have. Just as one thing is completed another thing is added to the list and the cycle continues on and on and on. You rarely get a break and when you do you spend it feeling guilty for all of the other things you should be doing while you are taking these few moments to breathe. As mothers we’ve all been there from time to time; some … Continue reading

The Guilty Mother Syndrome

I wish I had a dollar for every single doctor, dentist and orthopedic appointment that I have had to take my three children to. What the heck, throw in there the number of times we have had to go to the emergency room and let me tell you, I would have a hefty amount. I have always been a stay-at-home mom. When I finally did go back to work it was always working in a school so I would be off when my children were off (which includes the summer) and I always worked part-time hours. Now I work from … Continue reading

Being Thankful for Your Spouse

I think we’ve all heard friends or family members make critical comments about their spouses, and I’m sure we’ve all been guilty of that ourselves. Sometimes it’s easy to fall in the trap of fault-finding when life gets stressful and things aren’t going our way. But as we contemplate our blessings at this time of year, I’d like to encourage each of us to spend some time thinking about the wonderful qualities our spouses possess that make us thankful we have them in our lives. Right now, I’m particularly thankful for my husband’s thoughtfulness. I had a little outpatient procedure … Continue reading

The Curse of the Calendar

I really like to keep things real. So although I have a lot of positive things to say about working from home, I have to confess there are some definite cons to it. I had just finished filling in only half of the calendar for August and I couldn’t believe it. How did this happen? When at one time I would see lots of white space, I was now seeing nothing but black. It was one thing after another written in…football, driver’s education, orthodontic appointments, hair appointments and meetings. Ugh, the curse of the calendar. I have always been a … Continue reading

Ten Ways To Feel Good…. Right Now

1. Scrap the chair and sit on an exercise ball instead. It will help your posture, reducing discomfort throughout the day. It will also help to evenly distribute your weight while you sit and decrease hip soreness. You can always use it as a birthing ball at the hospital and for exercise after you have the baby. 2. Run a wash cloth under cold water, ring it out and press it into your face if you are feeling flushed. 3. Whatever you are doing, stop and take a five minute break. Put your feet up and sit a cold beverage. … Continue reading

Super Mom? Not So Much!

As a single mom, I sometimes have to stop and remind myself that I am not Super Mom. I cannot do it all by myself. I do not have all the money in the world. I do not have enough energy to keep moving all day, nonstop. And I need to remind myself many times that this is all ok. This recent frustration comes from my daughter’s new softball schedule. This is her first year playing softball (although she has played basketball and soccer in the past). She has two games each week, some of which are almost an hour’s … Continue reading

Using the Web to Connect With Other Single Parents

Being a single parent can lead to a feeling of isolation and loneliness, but the Internet provides us with so many places to connect with other parents in similar situations. These sites, often referred to as online communities or social network sites, allow single moms and dads to connect with others for friendship, advice, and even dating. Some popular social network sites include Facebook, CafeMom, and MySpace, but there are several sites dedicated to single parents. I Heart Single Parents: I Heart Single Parents claims to be the best online community for single parents. Users can create a free account, … Continue reading

Thinking About Going Back To School?

Your economic situation doesn’t have to stay where it is. As a single parent you may qualify for various grants that can help you get a certificate or degree and create a better life for you and your kids. This will also give you some time for yourself, so it’s like killing two birds with one stone. It’s hard enough being a single parent and working a full time job—whether you work from home or at a typical nine to five job. Top this off with taking care of the bills, the kids, the house, and it doesn’t leave much … Continue reading

How I Got My Home Gym For Free

The fact that I’m frugal spreads over into every part of my life, from my diet and clothing, to my health routines. Of course, I wouldn’t sacrifice my health just to save a buck, but I do look for free ways to work out. A lot of doctors recommend walking, but since I live in Tucson, Arizona, walking outdoors any time between the hours of 6am and 9pm isn’t going to happen, especially during the summer. I don’t like being uncomfortable, and trudging around in the heat kills any of my good intentions to exercise. Staying indoors where the temperature … Continue reading