Loving Your Toddler On His Terms

Did you know that even though you do many things every day that express your love towards your toddler, he may not always perceive himself as being loved? Things like home – cooked meals, nice clothes, and fun toys are some of the things that we strive to provide for our children out of love, in addition to hugs and kisses. Our toddlers are unique individuals, and each of them needs us to express our love to them not only on our terms, but on their terms as well. How are we to know what kinds of things will show … Continue reading

I Can Hear You I’m Just Not Listening

If you are the parent of a toddler, chances are that you sometimes feel like your child can not hear what you are saying to him or her. Most toddlers can hear quite well, and that is usually not the problem. The problem is that they are not listening to the words that they are hearing from you. If this sounds like a familiar situation to you, you may want to take some time to think about how you say things to your child. It is possible that there might be some room for improvement regarding the clarity of the … Continue reading

Getting Your Toddler to Listen

Does it ever feel like you tell your child something ten times before you get a response out of them? I know I’ve felt that way countless times with my three year old. It feels like he never listens to me! However, if you are consistent and follow these simple strategies it may make your life a little bit easier when it comes to teaching your toddler to be a good listener. Be clear with your child about what you expect from them. At two and three they really don’t need a big long explanation of why you ask them … Continue reading

TV Watching and the Toddler

Most toddlers have short attention spans and will, thankfully, limit their own television watching. Unhealthy habits can form when kids get too much TV. The general rule is for a child to view no more than 30 minutes of television a day. Even educational programming counts against this time. Educational programming does provide great information, but most toddlers will learn these skills in due time without having to watch it on television. Experts say that kids, who watch more than 30 minutes of TV a day, are developing sedentary lifestyle habits, which will be hard to overcome when they get … Continue reading

Getting Kids to Listen

Recently overheard “conversation” between a mother juggling her 6-month-old baby and 2-year-old toddler, while her 4-year-old happily frolicked around the parking lot of my daughter’s school: “Lily, get into the van. LILY! Get into the van now. LIIILLLY!!! Stop running around and get into the van NOW! LILY FRANCIS, YOU GET INTO THIS VAN NOW!!! LILY! VAN! NOW! ONE… TWO… LILY… onetwothree… I mean it… GET. OVER. HERE. NOOOOOOOW!!!” Enter another mom, who scoops up the errant child and deposits her into the van that holds a now screaming 6-month-old, an ornery 2-year-old, and a hoarse mother. While you might … Continue reading

Time Outs for Toddlers

To say I am a firm believer in time outs for toddlers is an understatement. I have tried everything to get my son to behave and listen to what I tell him. He is a very strong-willed, hard-headed, stubborn child. He is full of energy and determination. Consequently, he is always getting into trouble. My son’s most recent reaction to getting into trouble is to smile and come over and hug me. I recently told him, “I don’t want a hug. I want you to listen and to do what you are told.” At that point, he leaned in and … Continue reading

Would You Buy Your Toddler a Breastfeeding Doll?

I’m not referring to those pricey custom-made plush Mini Mama dolls that feature a hungry infant latching on to her mother’s breast via under-skin magnets. I’m talking about a doll that uses your toddler as a human pacifier. Lest you think that I am joking take a look at this review from Thingamababy, which features an actual toddler nursing a doll that can suckle like a real newborn. Introducing Bebé Glotón, an infant doll made by a toy maker in Spain. According to the review, the doll was made for the “express purpose of promoting breastfeeding.” Apparently, the doll manufacturer … Continue reading

Get Your Wiggle on at Six Flags

My preschool daughter has never been a huge Wiggles fan. What’s more, she screams like a banchee every time I try to put her on an amusement park ride. And I’m not talking about those baby roller coasters that travel on a flat track, or those crazy toddler swings that spin around with modified reckless abandon. For the past three years my child has unleashed glass shattering, ear splitting, high-pitched shrieks each time I’ve tried to place her on merry-go-round horses (the paralyzed ones that don’t move up and down), baby boats (that barely move in a pool no bigger … Continue reading

How to Get Your Preschooler to Listen

When it comes to getting a preschooler to do what you want or need him to do, there is a simple little trick that can stop the “no!” in its tracks. If I may brag a little bit for a moment, our children are usually complemented on their behavior when they are out in public or over at a friends house. Of course, there are a lot of factors involved here, such as making sure that they have had enough rest, that they are well fed, and the fact that the people complimenting our kids don’t actually live with us … Continue reading

Baby Blog Month in Review: September 2008

Here are all of the Baby Blog articles that were posted last month. September 1st Baby Blog Month in Review: August 2008 Isn’t it crazy the way babies grow so quickly? It seems that you just get used to one stage and boom they are already into another. Tonight, were busy getting the household all set for my eldest child’s first day of second grade. My two younger ones are excited and want to start school, too. It will be a busy month. September 2nd Babies Are Built to Say “Mama” and “Dada” First! Do you remember your baby’s first … Continue reading