Don’t Pay Off Your House!

I had the most interesting conversation with a lawyer last night. He was telling me and my husband some ways to improve our credit scores and how to prepare for home ownership, and he said something that made both my eyebrows go up. He said that we shouldn’t be in too big of a hurry to pay off a house once we get it. Pretend there are two families, and they each buy a home for $200,000. Family A makes the regular monthly payment, and Family B puts every penny into paying it down faster. Some time goes by, and … Continue reading

Thinking About Going Back To School?

Your economic situation doesn’t have to stay where it is. As a single parent you may qualify for various grants that can help you get a certificate or degree and create a better life for you and your kids. This will also give you some time for yourself, so it’s like killing two birds with one stone. It’s hard enough being a single parent and working a full time job—whether you work from home or at a typical nine to five job. Top this off with taking care of the bills, the kids, the house, and it doesn’t leave much … Continue reading