Research Confirms the “Parenting Happiness Gap”

There has been debate over which group of people are happier: parents, or people who do not have children. In general, this argument relies on individual people’s perceptions based on their own experiences. Research has confirmed that the “parenting happiness gap” exists. The correlating factors that make parents less happy than non-parents has a lot to do with where the parents live. The “parenting happiness gap” is a phrase that sums up a reality that may surprise some people. No matter what country you live in, or what stage of life you may be at, people who do not have … Continue reading

Happiness in the Moment

I dread the holidays all year long, not because I don’t like them, but because they inevitably bring confrontation as my ex and I struggle to decide who gets Logan and who doesn’t. No matter what someone is missing their little boy and it tends to be a touchy subject for both of us. Believe it or not I’ve actually been dreading it since about the day after Christmas last year. I worried and fretted about it and wondered what would happen as we tried to coordinate everyone’s schedules so that Logan was able to see as much of his … Continue reading

Does Happiness Lead to More Money?

They say money can’t buy happiness.  But could it be that happiness leads to more money? Apparently new research shows that the happier a teenager is, the more money earned in adult years.  These were the findings after following more than 10,000 teens in the U.S.for 10 years. Happier teens earned 10 percent more than the average person’s salary at 29 years of age. But the less happy teens earned 30 percent less. What made this study even more interesting is that the results were the same, even after taking into account other factors such as the teen’s gender, physical … Continue reading

Deliberate Happiness

Lately, I’ve been thinking a lot about the subject of happiness. I guess because it seems to be popping up all around me. And, frankly, it is not something that I give much deliberate thought to. Sure, I have moments where I am happy and recognize it, but I don’t ponder very often on my state of happiness. Heavenly Father’s plan is referred to as the “Plan of Happiness”. So, it is to say that he designed this plan with our happiness in mind. He desires that we are happy in this life. But, sometimes, the weight of the world, … Continue reading

Nursing Moments

These days I spend a large portion of my day (and night) nursing my daughter. Sometimes I find myself getting a little frustrated when I have to stop to nurse her when I am in the middle of doing something else like cleaning, cooking, or writing etc. Again at night when I am particularly tired and she cannot seem to latch on without focused illuminated help. Even though I find myself feeling temporarily frustrated, I also feel a sense of appreciation for the “forced breaks” that I get to take throughout the day and I am grateful for the time … Continue reading

Happiness in the Moment

“Now and then it is good to pause in our pursuit of happiness and just be happy.” -Guillaume Apollinaire Today as I was reading this quote I realized that I have become so caught up in searching for happiness, that I’ve forgotten to be happy with where I am today. I think most of us do this from time to time. We think, if this one thing were different then I would be happy. I’ve thought this countless times throughout my life. While I was in high school it was, “As soon as I turn 18, then I’ll be happy.” … Continue reading

Instant Energy/Happiness/Joy

I’ve written about this before (link) but I felt compelled to write about it again. This blog is about the daily education of a new father: joys, bumps, tips, and trials. The last time I wrote about my son smiling I was experiencing his first smile directed at me. Recently he’s become even more expressive and responsive. His interactions with his parents have become more controlled. The effect on Dad, also, has increased tenfold or more. This past week my wife and I attended the funeral of our son’s great-grandfather (my wife’s grandfather). This was obviously a time of sadness … Continue reading

More about His Unhappiness

Previously I began discussing how I have heard of many men commenting that they were unhappy in their marriage for a long time before they ever decided to take action and have an affair or get a divorce. In many cases their deep unhappiness is often not known by others. In that same article I talked about how most women cannot go unnoticeably unhappy for any long length of time. Women are much more expressive with their feelings than men. They typically are more verbal about their feelings and give fewer little hints about what they feel. Men on the … Continue reading

The Inn of the Sixth Happiness (1958)

Ingrid Bergman stars as Gladys Aylworth in this deeply touching film about a woman who wants to make a difference in the world. She wants to go to China and work as a missionary, but when she applies with her church, the missionary department decides that she doesn’t have the experience she needs to undertake such a task. Always shy and submissive, she breaks out of her mold and decides to go to China anyway. She takes a job as a domestic and earns money for her passage, but when she arrives in China, discovers that it’s much harder than … Continue reading

Happiness Happens When…

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” ~-The Declaration of Independence-~ August is Happiness Happens Month, but today is Happiness Happens Day. Happiness is a funny thing. We all want it. We all hope for it. But how many of us have it? After all, it’s not something you can just hop out to the store and pick up when you run out of it. “The pursuit of happiness is a most … Continue reading