Behaving “As If” it is a Choice

Some of us come to the world of single parenting by choice, and others of us by accident or some unfolding path. We might be single parents through divorce or death and may have never in our wildest dreams imagined we would be parenting on our own. Even if it isn’t our choice, however, we and our children can benefit from our letting go of feeling like victims and actually behaving “as if” we are doing it by choice. We’ve all heard of how acting “as if” can help us to visualize and change our feelings and attitudes about things … Continue reading

Having Respect for the Past

One of the struggles and issues we single parents face is how to make peace and sense of a past that may have been troublesome and unpleasant. Many of us would rather just block everything out and forget what we’ve been through on our roads to becoming single parents—especially if we found our way to single parenthood through divorce or death. However, coming to some sense of peace with the past and actually being able to create and cultivate some respect for our past can actually be the very best thing for our children… It certainly doesn’t come overnight—at least … Continue reading

Planning Ahead For A Successful Transfer Of The Family Business

The heirlooms that pass from one generation to the next vary greatly between families. One family may cherish a clock, some china, and a set of silver while another may have an antique dining room set and some framed portraits that have been handed down over the years. Some families pass an even more complex legacy on to their children – a family business. Family businesses can be a wonderful asset to present and future generations. They can also be the source of much distress, if no one in the family seems interested in continuing the business or of there … Continue reading

FHE with Small Children-Strengthening our Family

I love when simple family home evenings make the best ones. That is my goal by sharing this FHE with Small Children series as often as possible. This past Monday night, we had a family home evening where my kids really listened, the lesson was short, and everyone got to participate. We started out talking about our own family. I asked my kids the following questions: Who is in our family? Do you think we have a happy family? Do we want to make our family stronger? I then told them about The Family: A Proclamation to the World. Since … Continue reading

Being Intentional about My Home-Based Business

Many of us are looking for new changes as the year 2012 draws near. I was given a word for this upcoming year and it is “intentional.” This word can be applied to a variety of areas in my life, with one of them being my home-based business. I want to be intentional about my organization. My desk could use some of that. It is time to get rid of those things that are just taking up space. It is time to make my work space more functional. I want to be intentional about my priorities. I need to make … Continue reading

The Red Tent

“And my Father dwelt in a tent.” 1 Nephi 2:15. I remember back to my seminary days in high school and it always seemed that there was someone who would jokingly recite this saying that it was their favorite scripture. Or, when trying to show that they had one memorized, they would quote this one. But, recently, I read a book that gave this sentence some meaning. It was recommended to me long ago by a friend to read the book, The Red Tent by Anita Diamant. She suggested that it was about women in biblical times, but other than … Continue reading

Disney D23 Expo Report

D23 has come and gone, and with it all the latest news of Disney’s upcoming features. As I anticipated, despite not announcing anything about them very far in advance, D23 offered some fantastic sneak peak at the Mouse House’s most anticipated upcoming films. Entertainment Weekly has the scoop on the new films. The Expo was packed with Pixar previews. We got tidbits of what to expect from “Monsters University”: expect Mike and Sully to be a little thinner, less shaggy, and with some orthodontia. The movie focuses on how the two form their friendship. They’ve actually known each other all … Continue reading

Think Before You Lend Money to a Friend

Nothing can come between friends faster than money except, perhaps romantic issues but that’s a different topic for another forum. There are many ways that money can create tension between friends, and sometimes the issues are so serious that friendships end because of them. Of course you value your friendships, but there are many good reasons that you and your friends should keep your finances mostly to yourselves. I am not suggesting that you never talk to your friends about money, because friends can often be great not only for listening but for helping you find new solutions or different … Continue reading

Establishing Summer Rules

It was one of those very rare Monday mornings where everyone got out the door on time. Perhaps the motivation lies in just getting this week done and over with, since it is the last week of school for my children. So I took advantage of the leisurely drive to school, before iPods could be stuck in ears, to discuss summer rules. Things got a bit out of hand last summer and I don’t know how it happened. Perhaps it was because I bent on rules to a point where I then lost control. All I know is that for … Continue reading

Preparing for Children’s Summer Vacation

When you run a home business and you have children in school, one of the things that you have to prepare for is their summer vacation. And since my children’s summer vacation is less than a month away, I know that I need to get cracking. So what does this mean exactly? Well I think first of all, what it means is sitting down with your kids and having a discussion about some rules and boundaries. Your children need to understand that while a benefit in working from home is your availability to your children, it doesn’t mean that should … Continue reading