Lowering Expectations in a Marriage

There is a fine line between learning to lower your expectations in a marriage and when to fight for what’s “right.”  Keep in mind that what’s considered right is all about perspective. Your right might not be my right…just as your spouse’s right might not be your right. One of the ways I try to gauge my “rights” is by how critical the issue really is; not how important it should be or I would like it to be.  But looking at it in a realistic and selfless manner. That isn’t easy, believe me.  It requires stepping back from the … Continue reading

Mistakes To Avoid When Starting Your Home Based Business

I just read an article about starting a home – based business that rubbed me completely the wrong way. Of course, it may be more about me than it is about the author of the article, because it was mostly a good article. It is simply written from a different perspective than the one that I come from. I take my home – based businesses just as seriously as anybody else, even though I work part time because of my primary career as a stay at home mom. The article that I read seemed like it was written for home … Continue reading

Not So Great Expectations

Sometimes, parents get upset with their children for acting in a way that they think is inappropriate. I know I do. Today I had an experience that made me think that perhaps at least some of the time, the problem is not my child’s behavior but my own unrealistic expectations. It started out innocently enough. I was running errands and it was almost lunch time, so I mentioned a few places where we could go to eat and asked Dylan to choose one. He chose a little place called “The Chef’s Market”. At the time, it seemed like a great … Continue reading

Unrealistic Expectations Are No Fun For Anyone

Today, I realized that one of the most frustrating things about being the parent of a toddler has nothing to do with the toddler at all. Nor does it have anything to do with his two month old baby brother. Nope, the source of my frustration is none other than – myself. You see, I have been setting unrealistic expectations for myself and then getting mad at myself for falling short of them. Examples are helpful, so let’s take a minute to compare what I had hoped to accomplish today with what I actually did accomplish. Keep in mind that … Continue reading

Expectations of Marriage

The success or failure of a marriage, I’d suggest, does have a lot to do with expectations of the marriage. Many times expectations are unrealistic and romantic. They have a dewy eyed view of marriage. Then when reality hits, it is hard to cope with. The reality is marriage is not all happy times and romance. Sometimes it can be hard. Be prepared for that. Sometimes you may still feel lonely or misunderstood. Don’t expect marriage to fulfill all your needs and expect that person to fulfill all your needs. This is an unrealistic expectation. No –one person can do … Continue reading

Teaching Your Child Responsibility

As parents of young children, it is hard to imagine those little creatures as full grown adults. But someday that’s what they will be. Teaching your child to be responsible is challenging, especially if your child has a chronic condition that often makes you want to baby them or feel sorry for them. Here are some ways to put down your emotions and show your child what it means to be strong and responsible in life. Teach by example. Children learn by watching how their parents behave in different circumstances. Screaming at a driver for cutting you off will teach … Continue reading

How Does Your Temperament Impact on Your Marriage?

In a recent comment pastfirst said that cultural background can affect a marriage. So can your temperament. So can that of your spouse. If you are an optimist and he is a pessimist that will affect the way you look at situations. It may not necessarily be for the worst. Sometimes it is good to have that balance. I’m like Nellie out of ‘South Pacific,’ I’m the ‘cockeyed optimist’ in our marriage, which can lead to problems. Such a person is not careful that sometimes unrealistic and too optimistic expectations can lead to disappointment if things don’t turn out as … Continue reading

Can Watching Romantic Movies Negatively Affect Your Marriage?

According to an article in the Sydney Morning Herald by novelist Jojo Moyes, and based on research from the ‘Family and Personal Relationships Laboratory at Heriot-Watt university in Edinburgh,’ watching romantic moves can be detrimental to marriage giving people an unrealistic view of relationships and marriage. While common sense might tell us there is no such thing as the perfect relationship, the conclusion is that some people are far more influenced by what they see on film or read in books than they realize claims Dr Bjarne Holmes, conductor of the research. Films and books often tap into this whole … Continue reading

How Often Do You Use Your Home Gym?

Remember when you bought that new treadmill, a set of free weights, and the aerobics step, and you vowed to exercise every day? How’s that working out for you? Have your fitness investments paid off? If your treadmill is being used more as a clothes rack and those free weights are doubling as doorstops, you aren’t alone. According to a new study, expectations of our behavior often don’t match reality. Researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison say they have uncovered a specific process that they believe contributes to unrealistic optimism. What’s more, the scientists say they are eager to make … Continue reading

Unrealistic Marriage Expectations

When we first get married, we have a certain set of expectations that come with us into the union. The bride has her set, the husband has his set, and the in-laws have theirs as well. Some of these expectations will be met, and many of them won’t. Let’s discuss some of these expectations. 1. The Myth: Many of us believe that temple marriage is the golden key to unlock all our marriage treasures and that nothing can befall us once we’ve been sealed. The Truth: the temple gives us the ability to be together forever, if we live righteously … Continue reading