Puppies Successfully Cloned… For a Price

A story about an American woman who paid fifty thousand dollars to have her dog cloned made headlines this week. The story in short, if you missed it: she lost her dog Booger two years ago. Once dog cloning became available, she sold her home to finance the project to clone her lost pup. About a week ago, two surrogate mothers gave birth to five pit bull puppies — all clones of Booger. I have mixed feelings about this, to be honest. It’s a lot of money to spend, for one thing. That money could have helped a lot of … Continue reading

Cloned Puppies Up for Auction

Would you clone a beloved pet? How much would a cloned pet be worth to you? A biotech company in northern California called BioArts International is auctioning off five chances to have a cloned dog. The auction begins on June 18th and bidding starts at one hundred thousand dollars. BioArts calls the project “Best Friends Again”. The chief executive for BioArts International once ran Genetic Savings & Clone, a company that offered to clone pet cats for a mere fifty thousand dollars. The company folded in 2006 because few pet owners could afford to pay that much. So why try … Continue reading

If I Could Clone Myself

With all this modern talk of cloning—parts, animals, people—what single parent hasn’t fantasized about what life would be like if he or she could clone him or herself? If I could be in two places at once or just double up on what I need to accomplish—two or three laps, 4-6 arms—my goodness, what I imagine that I could accomplish! If I could clone myself, I could be home taking care of home stuff and at work taking care of work stuff at the same time…just think, none of my children would have to feel forgotten or left out since … Continue reading

Finding a Balance

Finding balance in our lives can be a difficult task. We have so many things that pull at us and many feel of equal worth. Then we have those things which do not measure up to our main priorities yet take up a large portion of our time. It is when that happens that our lives feel out of whack. Our families are our main priority and certainly should come before business yet business takes up a significant portion of our time. For most the driving forces behind our businesses is providing for family and achieving personal goals. Both are … Continue reading

“I’m Moving as Fast as I Can!”

This is not going to be an argument about whether faster is better or multi-tasking is really bringing about the downfall of civilization—it is just a little musing on the reality of the single parent’s life—speed, movement, juggling, and perpetually feeling we are trying to catch up! I know that there must be people who are more organized and able to settle in and move at a mellower pace, but chances are they are not single parents! There are probably people who greet Monday morning with a leisurely stretch and, as they look around the room, ask themselves “Hmmm…what will … Continue reading