One Change at a Time

I have a long list of resolutions this year. I have big plans for 2013 and know that there will be many life changes along the way. At first glance my list of resolutions might be a bit overwhelming. There are a lot of positive changes I want to make in my life, but instead of tackling them all at once, I am going to focus on them one at a time. First and most importantly, I am going to work on finding joy in the here and now. I have a lot to be grateful for and while I … Continue reading

Grateful for Baby

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I decided to think about all the things that I am grateful for about my job as a Mother to my sweet little baby. Yesterday, one of my older children was sick. I had very little sleep, and had been up since about 2 am. Needless to say, I was pretty grouchy when the sun started to rise and I had to continue on with my daily duties as a Mom. But, then my baby woke up. I walked into his room, and he smiled at me (like he always does). I thought to myself, … Continue reading

A Time of Transition

Yesterday was our Stake meeting to realign the ward boundaries in our stake. A lot of big changes took place. It was an exciting (although very long) meeting, and I am excited about the new changes. One thing I learned is that our ward was originally established in 1905. It is so amazing to be a part of a ward with such a history. Although the boundaries have changed many times since then, it is very cool to think about all the members of the church that have lived in my neighborhood before me. Another interesting fact that I learned … Continue reading

Time To Date, Again

When I was first divorced I dated, quite a lot. I didn’t know how to not be married so I wanted to get right back out there and find someone to love. When you are a single mother it’s much more complicated than just finding someone to love. You have to find someone who not only loves you, but your children. Then you cross your fingers and hope your kid likes them as well. This did not work out so well for me and after a couple years I thought I should just focus on raising Hailey and worry about … Continue reading

Grateful for the Priesthood

One of my children had to have surgery last week. This was a hard experience for me. I have never had any of my kids go to the hospital, much less have to have surgery. We are so blessed to have healthy children. As a part of going through this, there was never a doubt in my mind that I wanted a priesthood blessing for my child. If anything, I knew it would comfort me to know that Heavenly Father was watching over him. The night before, my husband gave my child a blessing. He took the time to ask … Continue reading

Meeting Baby For The First Time

If you are pregnant with your first child, you may be wondering what it’s like to meet your new baby for the first time at the hospital. Of course, since every child and every birth is different, there is no “standard procedure” by which new parents get acquainted with their newborns. The births of my two sons were different, so I met each of them in a slightly different way. Dylan was born at around seven in the evening. He was born in a local hospital, and my labor had been induced because of preeclampsia. The delivery was fairly uneventful, … Continue reading

Oh To Be Able To Turn Back Time

I want a do over. I want to go back to sticky fingers and drool covered chins. I want a chance to react differently, to listen more, to pay attention. When I was married the days passed in a blur, when I got divorced they passed even more quickly, and I had less time to notice and enjoy my child. I want to go back and do it right. I think that no matter what you did right there are always so many things you wish you had done differently. I wish I had listened more when Hailey rambled on … Continue reading

Taking Time To Connect

When you are the parent of an infant and a toddler, you may sometimes feel like your toddler does not get enough one on one time with you. For that matter, you may also wonder whether your infant notices that he does not get much one on one time with you and how he might feel about that. I know that I have struggled with these feelings since Blake was born a couple of months ago. Over the past couple of weeks, I have developed a strategy for spending some “alone” time with each of the boys while I am … Continue reading

Where has the Time Gone

My baby turns four in the morning. It’s hard to believe another year has come and gone. It seems like only yesterday we were on our way to the hospital; now he is a little bundle of energy giggling and running around in circles and keeping his Mommy busier than ever. Four years ago, I never would have dreamed that this sweet little baby wouldn’t have his family together for his birthday. The thought of it still makes me a little sad. Birthdays are always hard when you are divorced, not just for you, but for your kids as well. … Continue reading

It Is Time to Reinstate Some Routines Around Here

Today, I was thinking about how I am trying to find my way back to some form of regular daily and weekly routines. As I thought about that, I remembered how some of the routines that I had been using in the past helped me to get more work done than I am currently doing now. Of course, I’m not naïve enough to think that simply reinstating my favorite routines will restore my productivity to where it was before our new baby arrived. That said, I am optimistic that our days may run more smoothly and I could get more … Continue reading