There’s No Place like Home …

And yet, having a home of one’s own seems like a nearly impossible dream in this economy. It takes a long time to save up the money necessary for a down payment, and having a large down payment seems the only way to bring the monthly payment down to where it can really be afforded. Many renters feel trapped right now, thinking that they will never be able to break out of their current situation and achieve their dream of ownership. My husband and I own our trailer home, but it’s only a three-bedroom, two bath, and with four children, … Continue reading

Government Assisted Home Loans

I purchased my home as a single mother with one income. No, I didn’t have a job that could pay a normal mortgage, nor did I have a down payment. But with the help of the federal government, I am the proud owner of a three-bedroom home and almost one-acre of land. I received a loan through the Rural Development Housing program. They provided me with a 100 percent 33-year loan (meaning I didn’t need a down payment). While the loan process took longer than a normal loan probably would have, it was well worth the wait. There were also … Continue reading

Ever Wonder Why You Bother?

Do you ever wonder why you bother? Sometimes I do? And it’s usually when things don’t turn out the way I expect. I suspect some of you are no different. We go into a situation, we pray for guidance and we have our own ideas of how we want God to answer the prayer. That had been my case. I’d prayed about a situation and then acted in faith. Months went by and I kept faithful in prayer and hope. Unlike the situation mentioned in the prayer that never fails, then the answer came and it was what I expected. … Continue reading

It is Okay to Take Time Making Big Decisions

When I was younger, I used to be much more spontaneous and much more of a “risk-taker” than I am now. Or, perhaps, I am still a pretty big risk-taker, I just do a bit more research and take more calculated risks than I did in my youth and young adulthood. As a single parent, it is perfectly fine to take time making big decisions. In fact, all that research and consideration can help us learn to be better decision-makers overall. For example, I spent almost two years learning about art, reading books, going to galleries and thinking about what … Continue reading

How Do You Turn Down a Project or Client?

One of the reasons many of us share for going into business for ourselves is that we want to be able to choose who and when we work. In the beginning weeks or months of our businesses, however, we may take any client, customer or project that comes our way. But, as we get established, and if we have a very clear of sense of our mission and purpose, there will eventually come a time when a project or client presents itself that we really don’t want to work with—so how do we turn down a project or client and … Continue reading

Want to Lose Weight? Try These Three Steps

You want to lose weight, but you don’t know where to begin. Should you take weight loss supplements? Is online support the way to go? Which diet plan really works? Weight Watcher’s, Jenny Craig, whose system should you choose? Take a look at these three steps to help you conquer information overload. Step One: Things to Consider 1. What is your personal weight loss goal? How many pounds do you want to lose 5, 15, 50, 100, or more? 2. Why do you want to lose weight? Is it for yourself, a loved one, or for your health? 3. How … Continue reading

How to Get Your Husband on Board with Your Home-Based Dreams

My grandmother was a spit-fire. I’ll never forget her favorite saying. “When you want to do something make sure you ask your husband and if he says ‘no’, do it anyway”. While I appreciate my grandmother’s spunk, unfortunately the “do it anyway” approach simply doesn’t work with my type-A husband. I can still remember his response when I told him about my latest business venture. “What are you getting yourself into now, Traci”? Okay, so it wasn’t the reaction I was hoping for but I really didn’t blame him. I had tested out a few home-businesses before and had earned … Continue reading

Teaching Your Children to Use a Grocery Budget

One great way to give your children practical money experience is to have them complete the grocery shopping for a month. This will be a learning experience for them. In addition you might ask that your child help to plan the menus and cook a few meals each week. Here are five steps to complete to insure a positive experience for your child. 1) Sit down with your child and explain how much money is budgeted for the month. You may want to have your child decide how many shopping trips he will take during the month, and have him … Continue reading