Keeping Track of Migrating Stuff

One of the realities of having two homes is that stuff tends to go from one house to another and often that stuff doesn’t return. I’ve been trying to keep track of my pillow cases, towels, and all sorts of other household articles and items over the years and have been mystified that my stuff is forever ending up over at my children’s father’s house—but his stuff rarely finds its way to mine. What is up with that? I don’t want it to seem like I am obsessed or someone who counts her washcloths and toothbrushes—but I have several pairs … Continue reading

Two Houses, One Pet

What happens when kids who share custody time between two parents have pets? Do the pets go with the kids, or stay at one house? What is best for the kids and what is best for the pet? My kids have pets at my house and none at their dad’s. It is really basically because their dad is not terribly pet-friendly and I have always had pets. I know, however, that in their “dream world” the pets would stay with them at both houses. I think my eldest daughter would even be happier if her fish could travel with her … Continue reading

How Flexible Do You Have to Be With Your Custody Arrangements?

I have learned that every divorce and custody agreement is unique. While there may be some catch phrases and “traditional” ways of describing whether you have sole physical custody or joint physical custody or you have written agreements for your “parenting time”–each family situation is unique and some are able to bend and flex a little more than others. Many people find that they don’t and can’t be very flexible at all when it comes to custody and parenting arrangements. I am all for working out all the details as minutely as possible and getting a signed, guiding, legal document … Continue reading