Tips For Applying For A Mortgage

Getting a mortgage is a very big deal. It is probably one of the most major financial decisions that you will ever make, if not the most major. The process can be nerve wracking and time consuming, but there are a few things that you can do to make it a little easier on yourself. The following tips are for you to use before and during the process of applying for a mortgage. If you think that you can just go out and apply for a mortgage and get it, you may be incorrect. Applying for and securing a good … Continue reading

Switching to a Single Income – Tips for Saving Money

For many families, deciding to have one parent stay home with the new baby is a difficult choice, and it’s even harder to carry out. It means making tough sacrifices. It’s interesting how many families say “we can’t,” when in reality what they are really saying is, “we won’t.” Are you willing to give up a few of life’s conveniences to stay home with your child? Sometimes, the first step toward being able to afford staying home with your kids is honestly dividing your expenses into two categories: needs and wants. Sometimes, the only way to live on one income … Continue reading

Single Parents: Getting Assistance

Being a parent is one of the toughest jobs in life, if not the toughest. Being a single parent is even more difficult. In these trying economical times that we are living in it is hard enough to make it on two incomes, let alone one. You may come to the point where you just cannot keep up the fight. When and if things get to that point do not hesitate to check into receiving some type of government assistance. Before doing so it is important to work with the other parent to see if there is a better way … Continue reading

Health Insurance and the Single Parent

I can just hear the groans now as I use those two words: Health Insurance. What issue is more controversial, more stressful, and more overwhelming for ANY family, if not health insurance? For single parents, getting adequate health insurance coverage for our kids and our families can be an incredible challenge and one of our big focuses as we look for adequate work and benefit packages… Years ago, when I was negotiating my divorce settlement, I remember health insurance was a big topic. My ex-husband and I spent some time and detail figuring out what was going to be fair … Continue reading

Do You Have Life Insurance?

Before my daughter was born, my husband and I never discussed the need or desire for a life insurance policy – oddly enough, it was one of the first topics of discussion we shared during a long night in her first week of life while we were sitting together, the baby sleeping soundly in my arms. Life is so very precious and a life that young and that tiny seems infinitely more precious – because the thoughts that go through your head are what happens if you’re not there? What happens if tomorrow never comes? What will happen to your … Continue reading

Prepare For The Unknown

Do you have a plan? When you are a young single mother it’s hard to believe that their could come a time when you won’t be there for your child. No one wants to think about it but unfortunately it’s something you need to prepare for. If your ex is a good parent and in a position to raise the kids should something happen to you, half the problem is solved. But what if he’s not? What if he has a drug or alcohol problem or is just generally unreliable? Then what? Unfortunately this is something you will have to … Continue reading

We’re Broke! Why Do We Need a Financial Planner?! Part 1

After my divorce, the financial planner who had worked with my former husband and I continued to call me every six months or so, wondering if I was ready to put a new financial plan into place. I was flattered, if a little confused, about why he was bothering with me. I had primary physical custody of our infant daughter, I was receiving no financial support from her dad, and I was working for a notoriously underpaying local non-profit. Let’s face it, I was broke. The answer to the question, of course, is that it is an undisputed fact that … Continue reading

The Crash That Killed Martin and Jennifer.

It seems like yesterday, but forever ago. Andrew and I were six weeks away from our wedding day and I took an extra shift at the café, hoping to earn a few more dollars to help make the day even more special for myself. Ordinarily, I didn’t like to work the Sunday daytime shift, but knowing the tips were usually very high I went with a smile in my heart. Who wouldn’t be happy six-weeks before marrying the most awesome man she had ever met in her life? It was about time for the “after church” crowd to hit. Coffee … Continue reading

The Issue of Child Support

While some divorced people have no trouble with a responsible ex-spouse paying child support, other people struggle every month to receive enough money to help raise the children. I was one of the fortunate people but my best friend was not. I know from her experience and even my own, even if you and your ex-husband or ex-wife get along as the best of friends, always take the child support through the court system. Sadly, the majority of newly single parents struggle with the issue of child support. While some parents have a hard time paying due to low finances, … Continue reading

Toddler Safety & Your Peace Of Mind

While you can hardly expect your toddler to take responsibility for their own safety and it is indeed the burden of the parent to provide a safe environment for their child – you can set the examples by which your child will learn about safety and keeping themselves safe as they grow and develop. As with all lessons for your children, your example is the one they will learn from the most. How you behave, maintain your home and the vigilance you keep can often mean the difference between averting disaster and serious injury for your little one. The following … Continue reading