Blogging From the Personal Side of Parenting

The internet has a wealth of information about a vast variety of special needs. It is fairly easy to look up medical information or news articles regarding a special need. Sometimes, it can be comforting to read a blog written by a parent about the personal side of parenting a child who has a special need. Here are a few interesting ones to explore. Parents can get online and quickly look up symptoms, recommended diets, help with IEPs, and news about health insurance coverage for their child’s special needs. What about if all you want is some conformation that your … Continue reading

5 Bad Habits to Overcome

Bad habits can be hard to break. But if they are standing in the way of you achieving the fit lifestyle you desire to have, it will be worth the hard work of breaking them. While everyone experiences their own challenges, there are some bad habits that are fairly common. See if you recognize yourself in any of these. The first bad habit is setting unrealistic goals. When you raise the bar too high, it can cause you to quickly lose motivation. You can’t run a marathon when you haven’t been off the couch in ages. Set small, achievable goals. … Continue reading

Curfew is Not Negotiable

How do you decide curfew? Are the rules any different for single parents? I get up before 5am to go to work so I’m in bed by 10pm on weeknights and on weekends I struggle to stay up any later because my body is used to sleeping at certain times. I have used my work/sleep schedule to determine Hailey’s curfew. During the week she has to be in the house by 10, on the weekend it’s midnight. She always tells me that none of her friends have curfews that early but I just shrug and say “ These are the … Continue reading

Will becoming a vegetarian help me loose weight?

What do Alyssa Milano, Ashley Judd, and Natalie Portman all have in common? They are all vegetarians and they are all thin. In fact, have you noticed that Forrest Whitaker looks like he lost weight? It is reported that he lost 80 pounds! Forrest Whitaker is a fairly new vegetarian. Seeing these images many wonder if it is at all possible to find an overweight vegetarian. It is this notion that has inspired many to take their own vegetarian journey. However, is this rational thinking? Could it be possible for Forrest Whitaker to have lost 80 pounds and still eat … Continue reading

We Can Get Fit with Wii: Part 2

JumpStart is a wonderful company that offers a variety of educational items for children. In fact, JumpStart is one of my favorite companies when it comes to educational games and products. Trusted by parents and educators for years, Jumpstart always provides quality and education in a fun and effective manner. Wii Nintendo, is another family company that has long since provided quality entertainment. Wii turned sitting and staring at a screen with a remote in your hand to getting up, laughing and playing with the whole family. Many who are not fans of video games, have changed their minds when … Continue reading

Can Hypnotherapy Help You Create a Healthy Lifestyle?

A friend of mine hates answering the phone. She hates it so much that she ignores any calls from unknown numbers and never even checks her voicemail. As a small business owner, she fears that she’s losing lots of business — but even that won’t get her to listen to her messages. She mentioned wanting to try hypnotherapy to help get her past her phone problems. Personally, I think it’s a good idea. Hypnotherapy isn’t just the stage tricks we see at fairs and on television. Working with a trained, licensed hypnotherapist can help a person make huge life changes. … Continue reading

Ask a Homeschooling Blogger: Why Are You So Against Government Involvement?

To all of my readers, On occasion I receive letters either by e-mail or private message telling me how dumb we are for home schooling and how unsocial zed my children will be. I generally ignore them because they are so inflammatory they’re not worth responding to. I am always up for a good debate with well thought out arguments. I’m not interested in name calling. I have finally received a letter that at least to me, seems to be genuinely questioning the home schooling lifestyle as opposed to just writing meaningless dribble to spout off. In fairness, I need … Continue reading

Why Overweight Kids are at Risk For Type 2 Diabetes

According to the U.S. Surgeon General, approximately 13 percent of children age six to eleven years old, and 14 percent of adolescents twelve to nineteen years old are overweight. In the year 2000, a panel of experts from the American Diabetes Association estimated that on average, 20 percent of newly diagnosed diabetes in children was type 2, and 85 percent of these kids were obese. Type 2 diabetes was once almost exclusively an adult disease, but in recent years the numbers of children with diabetes type 2 is increasing at alarming rates. With today’s surge in video technology, kids are … Continue reading

Welcome to the Weight Loss Blog!

The Oh-So Humorous Tales and Informative Adventures of a Serial Dieter…. Welcome to the Weight Loss Blog, I am so excited to be a co-host (along with Lisa and Jennifer)!!! Since this is my first “official” entry, I should start off by telling you a little about myself, my life as a serial dieter, and what I plan for my portion of this blog to be all about! First and foremost, my name is Mary Anne Sharp. I’m a 28-year-old, stay-at-home mom of a crazy two-year old. My husband and I live in Kansas City, Missouri. (one of the … Continue reading

When Parents Play Favorites

Which one of your children is your favorite? This controversial question is one that most parents cannot answer. They love all their children equally (as they should). Problems arise when parents make it clear that they have a favorite child. Those same problems come up when a child perceives that his or her parents are playing favorites – even if the parents are not actually doing that. A study done by Alex Jensen (and others) found something that could be really troubling to parents. It is entirely possible for parents to treat all of their children equally and still have … Continue reading