Seeking and Following the Spirit-Part I

When I think of times in my life where I have felt the Holy Ghost strongly, and knew that I was being guided, I cannot help but think of my mission. Before my mission, I had felt the Holy Ghost many times. Of course I had to have that confirmation from the Lord to even go on a mission. So, in some aspects, I knew what the Holy Ghost felt like. But, it wasn’t until I was a missionary that I really learned how to not only truly seek the Holy Ghost, but to recognize the promptings of it, and … Continue reading

Stick To Your Guns

As single mother’s we are always given advice, a list of things to do to make sure our children grow up to be well adjusted adults. While this is helpful, most of the time, you have to take what works for you and discard the rest, a list of what not to do is just as important. One of the big things I learned quickly is not to give in. In the beginning it was so easy to give in to Hailey, I felt guilty and was trying to make things easier on her. After a while I had to … Continue reading

Kids and Money – What and When

One of the most valuable things that a parent can do is teach their children about money. If children are raised to understand how money works, they are likely to grow into financially aware adults who are able to make good financial decisions for themselves and their families. Of course, the big question is when to begin teaching them and what to teach them at each age and stage of their development. The earliest form of financial education for children happens without you even necessarily realizing that you are doing it. Children are very observant, and they see and hear … Continue reading

Decision Making Tips for Business and Personal Choices

It just occurred to me that sometimes, the way that a person conducts himself or herself in his or her business can be quite different from the way that same person conducts himself or herself in his or her personal life. I’m going to be talking about decision making today, and I realized that I have no trouble at all making decisions, even very major decisions, about my home – based businesses. I gather information, weigh my options (briefly and logically), and commit to a course of action. Believe it or not, the decisions that I have trouble making are … Continue reading

Teen Weight Loss Surgery and Insurance Coverage

Weight loss surgery might be an option for adults who are morbidly obese. What about for teenagers? Most private health insurance companies will not cover this type of procedure. Teenagers who are covered by Medicaid or CHIP have a better chance of having their weight loss surgery covered. Every surgery, no matter how big or small, comes with risk. While certain kinds of weight loss surgeries may be a recommended option for some adults who are morbidly obese, this doesn’t mean that it is completely and entirely safe in all cases. Not every private health insurance plan will cover this … Continue reading

Make a Decision and Stick with It

When my ex and I were dating we were off and on. Every few months the guilt would start to get to him and we’d break up. It never lasted more than a week or two. We were comfortable together even though I think in our hearts we both knew that we would be happier with other people. Neither one of us really wanted to be alone and then we ended up pregnant. We were broken up at the time, but got back together for obvious reasons. Over a year later we decided the best thing to do was to … Continue reading

Get Free Yogurt and a Happy Song from Yoplait

It is the simple things in life that make a person happy. You hear a light, catchy, tune on the radio, and it sticks with you the rest of the day, making your mood a bit brighter. You remember to eat healthy food at lunch, instead of junk food, and it makes you physically feel better. Right now, you can enjoy both of these little pieces of happiness at the same time. Yoplait wants to give you a free song to download, and a free yogurt to eat. Yogurt is good for you. It comes in a variety of tastes … Continue reading

We’ve Got A Grazer On Our Hands

This past week, my toddler has developed a new habit. He’s turned into a little snacker, or as I like to call it, he’s been “grazing.” I never had a problem with this routine when it came to eating. He typically eats breakfast, a morning snack, lunch, an afternoon snack, and dinner. But lately he’s been particularly picky at meal time, eating like a bird, and then he repeatedly asking for snacks in between meals and scheduled snack times. He essentially wants to eat a little something every fifteen minutes and it’s been driving me crazy. I feel like I … Continue reading

The Pros and Cons of Testing Often

One of the big questions that comes up when we talk about home pregnancy tests is when you should test and how often. While it is a personal decision, there are both pros and cons to testing early and often. Here are a few: Pros: 1. If you test early and often you are more likely to catch a pregnancy in its very early stages. This makes determining your due date accurately much easier. It is also better if you are high risk. 2. Catching a pregnancy early on gives you more time to plan. You have more time to … Continue reading

Win $10,000 and a Kitchen Consultation With Vern Yip!

Do you need a kitchen makeover? Would you like some help making decisions about the design of your new kitchen? Enter the Tasteful Spaces Kitchen Design Sweepstakes from Kraft Foods, and you could win a kitchen consultation with a celebrity interior designer, and $10,000! It can be an incredible amount of work to remodel a kitchen. Everything that you decide to change must be physically hauled out of the kitchen, and, in most cases, dragged to the dumpster. Want to replace the nasty flooring that was there when you bought your home? You are going to have to find a … Continue reading