Making Adjustments to “Transfer Day”

In the many years that we have been a single parent family and I have shared custody of my three children with their father—we have called the day that the kids go from one house to the other “transfer day.” Transfer day in our world has not been set in stone, however, and we have made changes over the years to our living and custody arrangements as the kids have grown and changed, and both households have evolved and changed as well. The important thing I learned about making changes and adjustments to transfer day—even seemingly minor ones like to … Continue reading

Coping with Illness and Shared Custody

Sick kids are seldom fun. As parents, we not only have their health to fuss over when one of our children gets sick, but we generally have to rearrange our schedules and make adjustments in order to accommodate and tend to the illness. As single parents, one of the illness realities that we have to contend with is a child who is going from one parents house to the other while sick. Either the child has gotten sick at one house and then has to travel mid-sick, or you might find that the child you sent away healthy has come … Continue reading

When You Miss Your Kids

We often talk about how to cope with the demands of all the time constraints and responsibilities of single parenthood, but for many of us there are those times when our children are not with us. Whether we have to let them go for a weekend, a week or several months, dealing with the ache of missing our kids can be incredibly tough for a single parent… When I was first divorced, I found being away from my kids for more than a day to be extremely hard. I had spent so much time as the primary parent and my … Continue reading