Mothers Make Mistakes

Let’s face it. We are all human and we all make mistakes. Mothers may be, in the eyes of their children, superheroes, and single mothers seem to have even bigger shoes to fill. Our children look to us for answers, advice and knowledge. We shape their lives, but in doing so, we have to know how to deal with our own mistakes. Earlier today, I told my son that he couldn’t sit with me because I had to get some work done. I was worried about getting everything done on time because I had fallen behind due to an illness. … Continue reading

Mommy Blog Bashers

Have you ever considered that you could be helping a struggling single mom of four young children make ends meet each time you click on a link that leads to her blog? Earlier this year Oprah Winfrey devoted an entire show to the “Secret Lives of Moms.” It featured an audience full of women drooling at the chance to discuss the joys and pitfalls associated with raising the next generation. A portion of the episode spoke to a “new” kind of motherhood, in which women no longer suffer in silence about negative parenting experiences, mistakes and lack of maternal instincts. … Continue reading

5 Common Breastfeeding Mistakes that New Moms Make

The CDC announced recently that while more women are breastfeeding than even a few years ago, they’re still not doing it for long enough. I have said before that I believe the number one reason women quit breastfeeding is for lack of support and information. Sure, while you’re pregnant you undoubtedly had lots of brochures passed your way and maybe you’ve even had a conversation with the pediatrician. But your baby is born and all does not go as planned and before you know it, you’re supplementing and slowly you lose milk. So here are my top 5 common mistakes … Continue reading

Make Mom Feel Special

Mother’s Day is just a few short days away and I wanted to take a few moments to remind husbands that it’s a day to make the moms in your life feel special – this means all moms: Your Mom Your Wife’s Mom Your Wife (even if she’s just pregnant with your first child) Your sister who’s a mom All moms Something happens to wives when they become moms. Sometimes, it’s hard for husbands to cope with this. The change of a husband into a father is a far more subtle transition. Perhaps it’s because Dads have the luxury of … Continue reading

The Family That Vacations Together…

According to a national survey, more than 500 million camping trips are taken during the summer months. That’s breaks down to roughly 15 percent of the U.S. population–or a whole lot of families– looking to spend at least part of their time off from school and work bonding in nature. The Outdoor Foundation survey also revealed that the younger a child is exposed to camping, the more likely he or she will be to embrace the idea of sleeping under the stars in a tent. Nearly half of those polled said they first went camping when they were 7 years … Continue reading

Single By Design?

Is single parenthood hereditary or contagious somehow? It seems to me that once the single parenthood train gets rolling, it’s hard to stop. My father was killed in Vietnam when I was three, so single parenthood was forced on my mother. Now all of my mother’s daughters are single parents. One of my nieces is also a single parent. My brothers are both still married. What does this say about the women in my family? Have we learned by example? It’s been said that we gravitate to what is familiar, is this what is happening to our families? No longer … Continue reading

Child Support

It seems there is nothing that gets divorced parents as riled up as child support. Just mention it, men and women alike start foaming at the mouth. He’s a deadbeat, she’s asking for the moon and stars. Parents should support their children, regardless of whether they live in the same home with them or not. Now having said that I must clarify. No one should have to pay so much in alimony and child support that they can no longer support themselves. I remember when a neighbor found out her husband was cheating on her. They had been married for … Continue reading

You Know More Than You Think You Do

It can be intimidating to start working on the genealogy of your family. The sheer amount of data you would need to track down, gather, and make sense of can feel really overwhelming to a new genealogist. Before you start wondering about just how many hours you will be required to devote to your new obsession.. I mean hobby… you need to understand something. You probably know more about your relatives and ancestors than you think you do. People who are new to something tend to make the kind of mistakes that are not made by those who have a … Continue reading


When my daughter was in the hospital, she had so many tubes going in and out of her it was hard to tell which tube was doing what. At one point, the quantity of IVs became so great that the doctors recommended that a PICC (peripherally inserted central catheter) be inserted. The IV is really long. It gets inserted in a peripheral vein, but it is advanced until it almost reaches the patients heart. A PICC line has many advantages. First, it can remain inserted for up to thirty days whereas traditional IVs must be replaced after only a few … Continue reading

Parenting Teens Is Like a Roller Coaster Ride

I am so looking forward to July and August, as the church I attend will be holding a class both months on the topic of teenagers. July will be about teenage boys and August will be about teenage girls. They plan on covering the mental, physical, spiritual, social and psychological development of teenagers. I always believed that children should come with some sort of manual. Okay, maybe not really. However I do think that before a mother leaves the hospital she should be counseled in some way about what can be expected. We give birth and a day later we … Continue reading