The Multitasking Apple

This fall, stock up on inexpensive apples and make them work hard for you while they save you money. The key is get the apples as cheaply as possible and use them for more than one purpose or use as much of the apple as possible. One of my favorite ways to do this is to get five or six large apples, and peel them, trying to make sure that I get a few good long peels in the process. I cut the apples and then place them in the crockpot with 1/4 cup of water, 1/4 cup of sugar … Continue reading

Why Multi-Tasking While Writing Doesn’t Work

I am a multi-tasker. I can rarely focus on just one thing. In fact, I sometimes come up with strange ways to accomplish things. For instance, on a cleaning day I might read one chapter of a book, clean a room, read another chapter and then clean another room. Others might choose to do all their cleaning at one time and then sit down to read a book. Not me, I have to always be switching back and forth between things. So this has carried into my work as a writer and let me tell you, I am finding more … Continue reading

Multitasking: Good For House, Good For Baby

My daughter has an insatiable curiosity these days. She wants to know what everyone is saying, doing, eating, and holding. She wants to touch and taste anything and everything she can get her drool-covered hands on. Gone are the days when I would hold her on my lap and expect whatever food or drink was in my hand to remain untouched. These days I constantly have to be on a guard. I’ve always made a point to talk to her and explain everything I am doing, such as “Now Mommy is pouring the hot water into the mug for her … Continue reading


Multitasking. Doing more than one thing at a time. Even if you have another name for it, you likely find yourself doing it often. It isn’t any different when it comes to cleaning house, and in fact, you can get the cleaning out of the way more quickly if you do it efficiently. So, take down your shower curtain and throw it in the washer (you can do the liner too, if you do it on gentle if you hang it back up to dry). Do window treatments or other like items with it. Toss them in and start the … Continue reading

Baby Blog Week in Review: Aug 27 to Sep 2

I have to admit that the baby blog has been very light this week. Some of you may already know from reading my other blogs but I had jury duty. Being gone from the house for almost 8 hours for three days and then returning home to cook, and recover the living room from the formidable dad/kids mess making force caused my writing to take a back seat. Suffice it to say that I think if I had to work outside of the home, my mental health would be in serious jeopardy! In any case, we still had great articles–just … Continue reading

Baby Cradling and the Super Duper Multi Tasking Mom

Researchers said this past Wednesday, that how you cradle your baby might indicate how stressed and prone to post partum depression you are. Apparently mothers who cradle with their right hands are more likely to become depressed, feel stress or otherwise exhibit anxiety symptoms. The conclusion seems to be the same irregardless of whether or not the women are right or left handed. I have to point out first though they only surveyed 76 women. While technically this qualifies as ‘statistically significant’, I frankly won’t believe it until I see the study repeated with more women and also a control … Continue reading

The Multi-Tasking Single Parent—Involve Your Child in What You Need to Do

My kids are errand-running, task-helping professionals—I do not know if they would have had all the experiences they have had as my “right hand helpers” if I hadn’t been a single parent. My children have helped out with work projects (I’m not talking child labor here, just “helpers”), and we’ve cleaned closets, packed boxes, picked berries, you name it—together. Involving your child in the tasks and things that need to be done is one of the main ways a single parent can turn multi-tasking into quality parenting time too! The thing is, we cannot get a babysitter every time we … Continue reading

Two Top 10 Lists for Multitasking

No, I’m not asking you to multitask by reading both lists at the same time. As I said earlier today, multitasking only works when you do one thing that requires your brain and one thing that requires your direct physical involvement at a time. If you do more than one of either, all tasks will suffer. It has been scientifically proven that you cannot speak and listen at the same time, because as amazing as our brain is, it has limitations on how much it can do at the same time: Mainly, it can only do one thing. Sad but … Continue reading

Yes, Multitasking can be a Good Thing (in the Right Situation)

After I finished writing my last blog about multitasking, I headed off to the shower to get cleaned up for the day. As I showered, I realized that I made the fatal mistake of lumping all multitasking into one big pile, which isn’t right. First off, multitasking lends itself quite well to mundane tasks that do not require any brainpower to complete. As some of you know, I am LDS, which means twice a year I get to stay home for the weekend (woot!) and listen to talks given by the head people in the Church via the radio, Internet, … Continue reading

Multitasking – A Time Saver?

I was just reading an article at the New York Times about multitasking, and it made me think about how many tasks I am typically trying to accomplish at the same time. Right now on my computer I have my RSS feed on, so if one of my favorite websites gets updated, I will know right away. I have iTunes playing soft rock music. I have my e-mail on, which I tend to get quite a few e-mails throughout the day. I have a weather bar at the bottom of my browser, updating my weather conditions every 30 minutes for … Continue reading