Do Not Let Your Past Define You

We’ve all made mistakes in our lives. What is important is that we are able to move past them and go forward with our lives. They do not define who we are; they are simply bumps in the road to where we ultimately want to be; without them we would not be where we are today. From each mistake made is a lesson to be learned. Perhaps you learned who you don’t want to be. Perhaps it was something smaller. Regardless, you took something away from that decision. You have no control over your past; it cannot be changed, but … Continue reading

Home School Blogger Spotlight: Teach with Picture Books

Teach with Picture Books is a blog written by a professional educator and lover of books. In fact, this is the first male blogger I have had the pleasure of featuring thus far. His name is Keith Schoch and writes his heart out on reading and books on Teach with Picture Books. Keith gives insight into books and teaching that will inspire you and benefit you in your journey of education with your children. The posts on Teach with Picture Book are warm, inviting, informative, and often humorous. I enjoy the topics he explores the variety of book and reading … Continue reading

Thoughts on Marriage and Monogamy

As I was writing What You Might Not Have Known About Affairs, I got to wondering: If we’re not programmed to be monogamous, why do we try to be? (As part of my research for that piece I was surprised to learn that monogamy is not the norm for 97 percent of most mammals, including humans.) Something else I learned while researching another article, Affairs and STDs, was that as many as 60% of marriages could suffer a cheating spouse. At first I thought as high as 60% seemed ridiculous –-until I learned about how humans are not monogamous beings … Continue reading

The Let’s Talk Blog Top Ten – Reasons to Have Children Later in Life

If you are trying to conceive, you have probably come across information suggesting that women in their twenties are more apt to conceive than women who are older. This means that if you put off starting a family until after your career took off, or for any other reason, you may have a difficult time conceiving. Aside from that, there can be some major benefits to putting off starting a family until later in life. I asked a group of wise, hip mamas of all ages to share their reasons for when they chose to start their families. Here’s my … Continue reading

Why Pets Aren’t Good Presents

This goes without saying, but you can never say it too often because it happens every year: don’t give pets as presents.  If you’re thinking about gifting a pet to someone you love this year, consider very carefully.  Pets are lifelong commitments and responsibilities, not fun presents. Now, I can think of one context in which it could be OK to give a pet for a present: if the person receiving asked for it, knew that’s what they were getting, and understood the responsibilities involved.  That means in most cases, it’s not appropriate to get pets as gifts for children: … Continue reading

Mississippi Kids Could be Eligible for CHIP

Every state has a Medicaid program. Each will have at least one portion of their Medicaid program that is designed to cover children who come from low-income families. In Mississippi, there is a CHIP, a Cool Kids program, and an Early Intervention program. Medicaid is a public, or government run, health insurance program. It is designed to cover individuals and families who are low-income and who cannot afford to buy a health insurance plan from a private insurance company. Medicaid is funded by the federal government and also by the government of an individual state. Most Medicaid programs have a … Continue reading

Rewrite It!

Maria Robinson once said, “Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.” This thought was comforting to me when I found myself in the middle of an unexpected divorce. I wanted nothing more than to start all over. I wanted to go back in time and redo everything. I wanted to erase him from my life completely. Unfortunately, when there are children involved, you don’t have that luxury. So I sat there, by myself with a bowl of ice cream and cried for a time machine that would never … Continue reading

One Day at a Time

“One day at a time–this is enough. Do not look back and grieve over the past for it is gone; and do not be troubled about the future, for it has not yet come. Live in the present, and make it so beautiful it will be worth remembering.” So often we let ourselves get stuck in the past. We look back at how things were and we begin to define ourselves by the things that happened to us. It is normal to grieve your marriage, but you can’t dwell on it or you will never move forward. You can’t change … Continue reading

Choosing Your Path

Each decision we make in this life leads us down a different path. We make choices every day that affect our future and more importantly the future of our children. We come to a fork in the road and are faced with a choice. Which path will we choose? How will we know what is right? Have you ever wondered how things might have been different if you had chosen the other path? The decision to get divorced changed our lives forever. For most of us the decision was the right one. I sometimes wonder what life would have been … Continue reading

Freshen Your Home for Spring

Have you been to Target this week? The discount retailer is having a huge sale on plastic storage totes, shelving units and a slew of other items to help you organize, as you tackle your spring cleaning projects. In addition to the storage-related items, Target is offering deep discounts on slipcovers for sofas, loveseats and chairs. At first I wondered how slipcovers tied into spring cleaning, but then I realized that if you have furniture with dark upholstery, adding a slipcover with a soft floral pattern or solid pastel could easily freshen up the look of your living room. If … Continue reading