
I read this tweet the other day and couldn’t stop laughing: “Had an argument with my 7yo today and she threatened to film me with the flip camera and put it on YouTube. And she totally would.” Thankfully, my 5-year-old is still figuring out how to manipulate her Fisher-Price digital camera, so any potential photographic evidence she plans to use against me is currently relegated to still images only. Be that as it may, her photo experiments have already been the subject of raised eyebrows, concerned stares, and whispers between teachers at her school, all thanks to her voyeuristic, stalker … Continue reading

Preschoolers and Car Dangers

If you needed another reason why you should never leave your preschooler in the car alone, here it is: Police in the United Kingdom are calling 5-year-old David Law a hero. What’s more, officers say the fact that the young boy is alive today is “nothing short of a miracle.” Last week, the preschooler jumped out of his mother’s moving car in order to escape a deranged lunatic, who stole it while David was still strapped in the backseat. According to reports, the boy’s mom parked her car outside of her son’s school to check on term dates for David. … Continue reading

It is the Ones Who Don’t Have Kids Who Seem to Know the Most

I was talking with a couple other single parent friends of mine and we had a grand chuckle comparing some of our dates and attempts at relationships from our experience as single parents. One of the “universal truths” that became apparent was that we had all experienced those people who did not have children of their own but certainly seemed to think they had all the answers when it came to parenting. In fact, I think that those of us who are parents experience that humbling transformation of realizing that we really do not know half of what we thought … Continue reading

Take Advice with a Grain of Salt

Advice, self-help, information, suggestions—every where you turn there are other people who want to offer up their advice. After all, as I write these blogs and articles here in the Parenting blog, I am participating in that very reality of American life. As a parent, however, you will get far more advice and suggestions that you could ever implement and in the end—it is up to you to make your own choices and decisions. Keep in mind that most of it is just opinion and it is coming from people with as many questions and confusions as you have! Whether … Continue reading

Dating a Single Parent? Flexibility and Ability to Roll with Things a Must

Many of us didn’t start out as the most flexible people on earth—I know that by nature, I tend to like a fair amount of order and structure in my world. I have had to learn as a parent how to be true to those character traits, while being completely flexible and able to roll with the unexpected and the unplanned things that go down in a typical family. So, it might seem unreasonable to expect that those people we date, if they do not already have children, to be flexible and open to the unplanned and unexpected, but even … Continue reading

“No Thank You” to Parenting Advice from a Date

They may have a dozen children they are raising on their own or be the most renowned parenting expert in the world—that doesn’t mean that we, as single parents, need to take parenting advice or be expected to be comfortable with suggestions on parenting choices from someone we are just starting to date. I am not sure why people even think that it might be okay to offer parenting advice to a single parent on a date? I suppose that there are those parents who ask for it—asking a person what they think they should do or what they would … Continue reading

2006 in Review: Homeschooling Blog at a Glance

As a new homeschooling blogger at, I wanted to know everything that has been discussed to date. In response to my own curiosity, and in an effort to make perusing our articles easier for you, our readers, I have compiled all of the blogs for the year 2006. Deciding to Homeschool Why homeschool Am I qualified for this? Reasons that Homeschooling Works! My Most Important Advice for Homeschoolers. The Cost of Homeschooling Instead of standing up for their own kids, why not stand up for all kids? Disclaimer: I am hardly an expert in education. Did You Know? ‘Empirical … Continue reading

The Marriage Week in Review October 21-27

This was a great week here in the Marriage blog and as always; it’s a pleasure to share the challenge of bringing you marriage news and information with Sherry. Our guest blogger this week was Catherine Ipizcade and I suggest you check out her blogs on celebrating her marriage as well as bridal shower tips. For Sherry and I, the biggest challenge came at the end of the week as the New Jersey Supreme Court handed down their decision on Same-Sex unions. While Sherry and I often come down on opposite sides of this issue, we believe in healthy and … Continue reading