Helpful Health Information From My Health Insurer

Today, in the mail, I got something unexpected from my health insurance company. It wasn’t a bill, and it wasn’t a scary letter about cancellation. Instead, it was a helpful little pamphlet with advice about dealing with asthma. Part of the Affordable Care Act includes something called the medical loss ratio. It requires health insurance companies to spend at least 80% of the money that they get from customer’s health insurance premiums on things that actually can improve a person’s health. The insurer cannot include things like salaries, advertising costs, or other administrative costs in that 80%. One of the … Continue reading

Insurer Sues Google Over Content of Search Results

An insurance company in Alabama has sued Google. The reason is because the insurer does not like the links that appear on Google when people type in the name of the insurance company. Specifically, it is because two of those links paint the insurer in a very negative light. American Income Life Insurance company is an insurer that specializes in selling life insurance, and other types of supplemental policies. It primarily sells these policies to labor unions, credit unions, and associations. This insurer has filed a lawsuit in the Jefferson County Alabama Circuit Court against Google. Google, of course, is … Continue reading

How to Start Your Own Genealogy Blog

Ready to start your own genealogy blog? There are plenty of good reasons to do it. Genealogists need to be careful not to steal content, or break copyright laws on their blog. It is also wise to make sure that your blog doesn’t contain information that can lead to identity theft. Many people think that the best way to start creating a brand new blog is to jump online, put together a WordPress blog, and think of a catchy title. In reality, your blogging experience will be much more successful if you take the time to think about what you … Continue reading

What Your Facebook Page Can Tell Your Insurer

Most people don’t really take the time to think about the potential implications of the things that they post into social media websites. Insurance companies, however, are very aware that they can learn a thing or two from your Facebook page, and from what you tweet about on Twitter. This could have an affect on your insurance. Social media is something that many of us have become incredibly comfortable with. People use Twitter to tell people where they went for lunch, and what they ate. Often, this includes a link to a photo, so people can see what your lunch … Continue reading

An Insurance Practice that Seems Like “Price Fixing”

There are some practices that insurance companies regularly engage in that seem to be less than legal. Employers who shop around for health insurance for their employees are required to tell the insurance company the price that the previous insurance company was charging them. This can be seen as a form of “price fixing”. Health insurance is expensive. The majority of people who are able to afford health insurance can do so only because their employer is paying for part of the cost of the premiums. Businesses that offer employer sponsored health insurance are going to want to find ways … Continue reading

Insurer Not Covering 1-800 GET THIN Lawsuit

You may have seen billboards that say 1-800-GET THIN on them. The idea is that if you are interested in getting Lap-Band surgery, you would call that number. The company has been sued for false advertising. Their insurance company, National Fire & Marine Insurance Co., have refused to pay to defend them, because the insurer feels that the surgery company falsely stated information on an application. The company behind the billboards that say 1-800-GET THIN is, essentially, a weight loss company. The way they help people to lose weight is to provide them with Lap-Band surgery. They are affiliated with … Continue reading

Reasons Not to Add Your Boyfriend To Your Car Insurance

There are many situations that are perfect for adding your boyfriend too. If you are going to the beach, it will be fun to bring your boyfriend with you. If you are moving, adding your boyfriend to the group of people helping you move can make things a whole lot faster. Adding your boyfriend to your car insurance, however, is not necessarily a good idea. Car insurance companies look at a lot of different factors when they assign a rate to a customer’s auto insurance premiums. One of those factors is the gender of the customer. Women who have good … Continue reading

To Power Wash or Not to Power Wash

There’s a commercial running on TV right now that features a guy who clearly doesn’t know how to use a pressure washer. He turns the thing on and it destroys the perfectly set table his significant other has set for a party. There are so many illogical things going on in the ad that it would take me forever to list, but for starters, why the heck would anyone pressure wash a deck minutes before guests are set to arrive and the table and other items are in pristine condition? Even more mind-boggling is the fact that the commercial isn’t … Continue reading

A Dangerous Practice

One thing that is often hard to deal with for many Christians is judgment. No I’m not talking about God’s judgment but the judgment that comes from other Christians. I’ve seen and experienced a few examples of it at times. It often comes about when people have a different view. With elections coming up m in Australia in a couple of weeks, I was listening to a local candidate standing for the Christian Democrat party and he was saying how Christians can have very different views which is why we have different denominations and churches with different ideas. He also … Continue reading

What Does the Hague Convention Agreement Actually Say?

Adoption periodicals and websites often refer to the “Hague Convention”, to “Hague requirements” and to countries being “Hague” or “non-Hague”. What does that mean? I gave a brief overview and shared some potential concerns. But what exactly does the Hague Convention say? “Hague” refers to the international courts at the Hague in Holland. The adoption agreement referred to is formally titled “Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect to Intercountry Adoption”. The introduction states that “the child, for the full and harmonious development of his or her personality, should grow up in a family environment, in an atmosphere … Continue reading