Protecting Preschoolers from Choking

Dealing with a picky preschooler at the dinner table may be the least of your concerns, according to a new study.  Instead of stressing about your child’s refusal to eat his veggies, researchers warn parents that they should be carefully monitoring four year olds while they chow down on classic kid favorites, like hot dogs, as the number of choking incidents among preschool-aged children is dangerously high. Researchers say a staggering 34 children a day are admitted to hospital emergency rooms due to choking.  That translates to more than 12,000 emergency room visits a year, though the study’s author notes … Continue reading

Protecting Your Children from Online Scammers

We live in an age driven by technology. Children are more technologically advanced than ever before. My four year old is no exception. He can work an Ipad much better than I can. He knows how to get into all his favorite games, how to get to the Dinsey Channel, and just about anything else he sets his mind to. I think kids these days are just born that way. While technology can be an amazing educational tool for our children, it can also be a very dangerous place, as we all know. More and more predators are out there … Continue reading

Protecting Yourself

There are a lot of creeps out there. I know this because I’m pretty sure I’ve dated almost all of them. As a single mom, the stakes are a little higher than someone who hasn’t had children before. You’re not just dating for you; you’re dating for them as well. This means you have a lot of weight on your shoulders. It is your responsibility to protect both you and your children as you venture out into the dating world. Always meet in a public place and whether you trust them or not don’t give them your personal information. Be … Continue reading

Protecting Your Children from Identity Thieves

Identity theft doesn’t just hit adults. Children are especially vulnerable to it, since they have clean credit and financial histories and no background information or signature on file. This makes it easy for thieves to take out credit and loans in a child’s name. In most cases, the victims and their families never even realize that there is an issue until the child becomes an adult and pursues his or her own credit and financial footprint. Then it becomes obvious: years of bad debt, defaulted loans and possibly a criminal background. The web of identity-related issues can be ponderous and … Continue reading

Will Your Health Insurance Cover a Flu Shot?

Now wouldn’t be a good time to catch the flu. All of us are so busy in December, and no one enjoys being sick. The CDC recommends that most people get a flu shot in order to prevent them from catching the current strain of flu. Will your health insurance cover the cost of a flu shot? This year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend that everyone 6 months and older get a flu vaccine. They point out that the flu shot is the most important step in protecting against the flu, which can be a very … Continue reading

Teaching Values to Your Children

Yesterday, my 1st grader came home and told me that a girl at school was being a bully at recess. Of course, I asked a million questions trying to get more details regarding what happened. It seemed to me after talking about it for a long time, that this other 1st grader was trying to tease my daughter because of something that my daughter said. I finally realized that it was mostly innocent child’s play (although a little aggressive), but at the same time, I used it as a teaching opportunity to tell my children again that if they don’t … Continue reading

Protecting Yourself as a Single Parent

This has been kind of a scary week for me. Last Saturday I had the bright idea of taking Logan downtown to walk around Temple Square and see some of the sights of downtown Salt Lake City. We’ve done this on several occasions, attended outside concerts, and browsed along the streets together. But now, I’m afraid I am going to have to think twice the next time I consider traveling downtown just the two of us. We decided to take the Trax Train in order to avoid the stresses of parking in Salt Lake. The ride up wasn’t so bad. … Continue reading

Be Proud Of Your Accomplishments

I’m on kind of a rant tonight, I heard something that has just made me see red. I live in Utah, which is a wonderful place, I love it here, but what I heard today has made me mad. It seems that the schools don’t want the graduating seniors to talk about what colleges they got accepted to or what scholarships they received. Why, you ask? Because it may make the other students feel bad. Are you kidding me? I’m typing this and I’m stunned. I am all for protecting our children from what we can protect them from and … Continue reading

Keeping Your Family Safe

Do you have carbon monoxide detectors in your home? If you don’t, go get them now! Carbon monoxide is odorless, colorless, tasteless and at high levels can kill you in minutes. I spoke with my furnace guy when he was here and he said that our energy efficient homes allow carbon monoxide to build up much more quickly than older, less energy efficient homes. What in your home emits carbon monoxide? Anything powered by gas, gas furnace, gas water heater, gas dryer, gas stove. Also lawnmowers, cars, weed eaters, snow blowers and generators. Any fuel burning appliance whether in the … Continue reading

Furnishing Your Home So It’s Practical and Pleasant

One of the more enjoyable aspects of keeping a home (at least for me) is furnishing it. However I have learned over the years to distinguish between my “wants” and what is practical, yet pleasant. Let’s face it; there are some furnishings that just won’t work. For instance, glass tabletops and toddlers. Or white furniture and children. Or an expensive (even if you can afford it) dining room set with a teething puppy. When shopping for furniture, its best to think practical. This is why most of our furniture is either used or not very expensive. We have three children … Continue reading