Teaching Your Sons to Be Better Men

In a world where playing video games is more appealing than providing for a family or going to college it is especially important to teach our sons the value of working hard and growing up. While I intend to keep my son little forever, eventually the universe is going to combine against me and make him grow up. For some men, this doesn’t mean much. They are grown up but living in a child’s world. Believe it or not the number of men playing video games between the ages of 18 and 34 surpasses those between the ages of 13 … Continue reading

Parenting Boys

As a single mom I often worried about raising my son alone. I grew up a total girly-girl; boys were a total mystery to me, now I was left to navigate raising one on my own. Needless to say, I was overwhelmed at the task that lay before me. As a woman I wasn’t sure I had what it took to raise a boy. I didn’t know anything about cars or trucks or superheroes, but I soon learned that what I did have to offer was just as important. Boys need to know how to empathize with others. As mothers … Continue reading

This is Boys on Adolescence

Once I saw a great illustration of the difference between men and women. It was grossly simplistic, of course, but like all great illustrations, it captured the core of so many things in a single image. Actually, there were two images. The first image was of a rectangular box. It was completely covered in dials, knobs, levers, and latches. The heading on the image was “Woman.” The second image was of the same rectangular box — but with only a single on/off switch in the middle. The heading on the image was “Man.” I remember laughing out loud when I … Continue reading

Teenage Boys and Body Image

Well yesterday was the first class I attended at my church on the topic of raising teenage boys. I wasn’t able to make it to last week’s class which talked about mental development. This week was about sexual development. Our youth pastor gave us a strong warning before he started the class. He said that much of what he was going to talk about was going to be in your face and possibly cause us embarrassment. This class was going to be as real as it can be. Some might be surprised that such a class would be taught in … Continue reading

On Raising a Son Alone

It is hard enough for a single mom to raise a daughter single-handedly, but what do you do with a son. You want to teach him all the masculine aspects of being a boy, however, that is difficult to do when you are a female and do not even know how to do it. “Preparing Him for the Other Woman: A Mother’s Guide to Raising Her Son to Love a Wife and Lead His Family” by Sheri Rose Shepherd guides mothers on how to teach her son to have a tender heart toward women incorporating respect, love, honor, faithfulness, responsibility … Continue reading

Single Parenting: Boys and Girls

I cannot say that I exactly know all about raising a girl because I do not have one. However, I have sisters, and I have several nieces and great-nieces and I am one myself, after all. I know a thing or two about girls. What I do know is that boys are quite different. Take for instance when I was going to pick up my niece to go shopping. Mind you, she was only 5 years old. Her mother told her that she needed to get ready because I was coming to pick her up. She responded with, “I cannot … Continue reading

12 Suggestions For Raising Godly Children

So you want to bring your children up in God’s ways so that they will follow Him. Here are some suggestions for ways you can help achieve this. 1. Pray for and with your child. Let them see the reality of your faith as you turn to the Lord in prayer when problems or hard times come, or just for God’s help with decisions each day. Encourage them by your example to praise God for the blessings of life every day. 2. As you pray for your children, pray for those they will grow up to marry. From the time … Continue reading

St. Baldricks – Fundraising for Childhood Cancer

For the last few years I’ve looked for places and causes where we could volunteer as a family. I’ve found rare things like envelope stuffing, collecting food, garage sales for worthy causes, and things like that. I want my children to realize that not everyone is as fortunate as we are. I want them to have a spirit of giving. They are too young though to work at the Humane Society or the zoo. They are too young to do house construction. They are too young for a lot of things. And yet my twin fourth graders came home last … Continue reading

School Boys Test Movie Facts

Teaching is never a boring job. Each day leads to something new. Some of the things are fun and exciting and others are less than thrilling. However, each day is an adventure of its own. One can never be shocked at what a student might do or say next. I can say that the same must go for the job of being a school nurse. I can only imagine half of what a school nurse hears and sees throughout her day. A couple of fourth grade boys in Indiana helped add a little bit of excitement to both their teacher’s … Continue reading

What can Boys of Single Moms Learn?

I’ve heard the infamous question asked of single moms raising sons. “What about a male role model?” Yes, male role models are an important part of a growing boys life, but not having one isn’t the end either. There are a lot of things that boys being raised by single moms can learn, even without a male role model. Just to name a few: Sons of single moms learn to respect not only their mom, but all women. They live with a woman day in and day out who works hard, supports her family, raises her children, and does the … Continue reading