Alternate Work, Play, Responsibility, and Rest

We cannot always keep things in perfect balance. As much as we may harbor a fantasy of an easy life where everything gets equal attention and we never feel the stress and pull of “not being enough” that just is not reality. It does not hurt, however, to try to keep our home business operations in perspective and alternate some work time with play, and alternate responsibility and duty with rest and relaxation… The reason this is such a poignant topic for me is that it is something that I personally struggle with. It can be really hard for me … Continue reading

Relax! It WILL Alter Your Perspective

Tension headaches, tense muscles, poor sleep—the stress that often comes with life as a single parent can take its toll on our bodies—and on the way we see the world. I know it might seem incredibly simplistic, but learning how to relax can actually alter our perspectives and change the way the world looks. Stress and tension are not the sole proprietorship of the single parent, but I think that since there is only one of us, we can get locked into a certain “stressed out” perspective. Have you ever noticed how the world just looks different when you are … Continue reading

Fun is Okay for a Single Parent Too

I think many of us single parents work so hard to distance ourselves from the stereotype of the irresponsible, different-date-every-night, financially precarious single parent that we take on a very serious and determined demeanor. In fact, we can get so focused on putting family first and rising to the challenges of duty and responsibility that we forget to give ourselves permission to have some fun. Some of us may even be “punishing” ourselves for our situations or think that we don’t deserve to have a good time since our lives are such a challenge. But, in fact, single parents deserve … Continue reading

A New Option For Those Traveling With Banned Liquids

I’ve covered the new rules regarding banned liquids stored in carry-on bags. I’ve even covered the new relaxed rules regarding banned liquids. If you’ve been able to keep track of it all, here’s one more to add to your packet of airline info: Travelers flying out of Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport are now being offered an alternative to tossing out precious perfumes and other high priced liquids that are banned on carry-on bags. According to officials, the airport has implemented a 60-day pilot program (that started Monday) whereby passengers can either mail the items to their final destination or have … Continue reading