8 Ways We Self-Medicate Anxiety

Everyone knows what it’s like to have anxious moments. In fact, our body’s natural stress response is an invaluable tool we need to respond appropriately in times of crisis or danger. But when it is a near-constant companion – fueled by everyday thoughts or situations that do not warrant a heightened stress response – anxiety can be harmful. In fact, it can hurt so much our minds and bodies become desperate for relief, any relief, as fleeting as it may be. Though there are healthy means of relieving anxiety, such as exercise, meditation and prayer, all too often we choose … Continue reading

Bird Basics: Canaries

Before bringing home a canary, it’s best to first ready its cage. Get a rectangular or square cage, not a circular one. Canaries find circular cages confusing and they might make the birds anxious or neurotic. The wider the cage the better, so canaries have some room to take short little flights. If your cage is previously used, clean it completely. Replace any materials previous birds might have pecked, such as the perches and the cuttlebone/mineral block. Cuttlebones and mineral blocks can be purchased from pet stores; they provide important nutrients like calcium for the bird. Make sure the perches … Continue reading

The Basics of Horse Care, Pt. 3

Today I conclude my interview with Professional Hunt Seat Horse Trainer Holly Stello on the basics of horse care, and why anyone who wants to can own a horse. You can work your way up to having the knowledge needed to have a horse as a pet. Having that knowledge influences the cost, because then you could pay less to board it by doing more for your horse on your own. Or you could always just be a working student and still get to spend a lot of time around horses. Holly says working students are common in the equestrian … Continue reading

Does Your Health Insurance Cover Maternity Care?

Most people consider pregnancy to be a blessing. Insurance companies, however, especially those that provide individual health insurance, consider pregnancy to be a pre-existing condition. What does this mean for consumers? It means that you should not assume that your individual health insurance is going to cover maternity care right now. This will change in 2014. Until then, check over the fine print on your insurance policy very carefully! Right now, it’s extremely difficult to get approved for an individual health insurance policy if you are already pregnant. Most of the large for-profit insurance companies, like Aetna, Humana, UnitedHealth Group … Continue reading

Can You Handle the Truth?

Do you get easily defensive when someone points out something negative in you? I will fully admit that I do. Even if I don’t display it outwardly, inside I bristle. I would think that most of us have a difficult time hearing something we don’t want to hear. Yet the truth is that many times the only way we can grow as a person is to be able to learn how to handle the truth. Recently I was having a conversation with my 16-year-old son. I brought up a concern I had, something I was seeing in him. Immediately he … Continue reading

We Can’t Always Rescue Our Children

It is sometimes amazing to me how you can learn some really important things about yourself and life when going through a common activity. I never realized that my youngest son joining football would become such a learning experience that goes beyond the logistics of the game. When my son first joined all I pictured in my mind was one happy boy who was finally getting his chance to play tackle football. I was going to be one happy mom who would go to every game and cheer him on. Yet that picture of happiness hasn’t happened. Instead it has … Continue reading

Baby Blog Month in Review: July 2008

Two of my three children are summer babies. That is, they were born in the summer and had their first months surrounded by sunshine streaming in the windows, the sound of birds chirping, and days spent wearing nothing but a diaper and a “onsie.” I made sure that they had Fourth of July outfits ready, even though one of them arrived a week after the holiday. I guess he just wasn’t interested in the parade. Do you have a summer baby, too? We had a lot of new information to share this past month, such as recall notices and new … Continue reading

Illness and Death in the Extended Family, Part Three—Take Care of Yourself Too

When there is a serious or terminal illness or death in the extended family, it is common for us parents to take care of everyone EXCEPT ourselves. We focus on helping our children cope and may need to take care of all sorts of other details and support as well. As I write about how illness and death in the extended family can affect the household and family, I think it is important to remind us all to take care of ourselves too. The last person on our list of who to look after may be ourselves but the truth … Continue reading

Can Your Relationships Use a Little More Attention?

Here in the Single Parents blog we often talk about either our interactions with our children or our ex or have conversations about dating. There ARE other relationships in our lives—those with friends and family—and it may be the reality that those are the relationships that need a little more attention and a little more work. With all of the stresses and daily details we need to pay attention to, it may be our friendships that actually see the least of us. Why is it that our friendships seem to be the first thing we neglect or abandon when times … Continue reading

Checklist for Career Discovery

Everyone loves a checklist. It is a neat and tidy way to stay organized, and when you are career hunting… staying organized is critical. Whether you are young and getting started or just going through a phase of self-discovery, use this list of concepts to get your juices flowing. Take out a pen and paper, and then be sure to answer each one of these checklist questions and exercises. • Describe your ideal job. Include as many details as possible and let your imagination flow. • Make a list of your priorities, this could include both professional and personal. Then … Continue reading