Dating as a Single Parent: Are Your Standards Too High or Too Low?

I like to think of it as the “Goldilocks syndrome” and as I talk to other single parents or over-forty dating singles, I find that many of us tend to fall in either the “standards too high” or the “standards too low” camp. Either we have been burned enough times that we have just given up and will take just about anything that comes along in the dating department (or our self-esteem is so battered) or we have been burned enough time that we have become very, very picky. Either way our life experiences have caused us to shift the … Continue reading

Life Changing – Part 2

A New Year usually means time for New Year’s resolutions. But sometime our New Year’s resolutions never last more than a few days. In yesterday’s blog I talked about George Statheos and how he said, ‘God’s Word is life changing.’ We need God’s Word to help us each day. Another person put it like this ‘It’s like having two dogs inside me fighting with each other.’ This in the same type of experience the apostle Paul talked about when he talked of the two natures within, I Corinthians 2:12-14 and how that human nature caused him to do things he … Continue reading

Know Your Own Limits

What are you willing to do? How hard are you willing to work? Will you consider taking two jobs for the sake of your family or relocating for work? Do you want to make less money in order to be available for your child or family? Do you have enough energy to go to school AND work while caring for your family? There are so many options for a single parent (despite how it may seem sometimes) that we may get roped into thinking we are supposed to do it all. It is important to understand our own limits and … Continue reading

Should You Lower or Raise Your Standards?

I recently wrote about how I think that those people who tell single parents that they should “stop being so picky” need to stop! In my opinion, single parents have earned the right to take their time and be as picky as they feel they need to be whether they are dating and looking for love, choosing friends, finding a new neighborhood, working on their careers, or whatever. As I was writing, however, I got to thinking about the whole idea of “standards” and whether or not some of us single parents have a tendency to have standards that are … Continue reading

Let’s Talk About Avoiding a Cesarean-Section

It’s commonly understood that cesareans are surgical procedures, and therefore come with an element of risk. In fact, risks of the surgery include things as serious as infection, uterine rupture, low birth weight for the baby, and even death for either mother or child. Here I will highlight ways to avoid a cesarean section. Throughout pregnancy: The easiest way to avoid a cesarean is to educate yourself and decide to birth naturally. Interview many care providers, and choose one that you feel is most concerned with your interests. Introduce them to you birth plan, and gauge their attitude towards it. … Continue reading

How Do I know if a Child is Being Abused?

Every parent’s fear is that their child will be abused. There are four different types of abuse: Neglect, Emotional, Physical and Sexual. There are common physical and behavioral signs that may indicate any of these types of abuse. The presence of one of these signs does not necessarily mean abuse or neglect. When I am assessing for likelihood of abuse, I look for clusters of the signs. If I see many of the signs together, I begin to suspect abuse and I report to a Government body (Police or Welfare) who can investigate and protect the child. Although every family’s … Continue reading