Single Parenting Makes You Tough

Today has been one of those days. I woke up this morning and felt like I had a head full of mud, coherent thought escapes me. This is not good. When you are the only parent responsible for your children and your brain feels muddled, who picks up the slack? Sadly, no one. As they say, the show must go on and this is true for single parents everywhere. No matter how you feel, there are things that have to be done, little people are depending on you. I think that being a single mother has made me tougher, given … Continue reading

Single is not a Synonym for Unhappiness

This week I was talking to someone about becoming single. He said to me, “Well you’re already at rock bottom. Guess you can only go up from here.” I was a little taken aback by the comment. I do believe life will only continue to go up from here, but I’m certainly not at rock bottom. In fact, since getting divorced and becoming a single mother, my life is significantly more fulfilling. I am happier than I have been in my entire life. That’s not to say I don’t still have my bad days, but even those aren’t so bad … Continue reading

Happy To Be Alone

Yesterday I wrote a post about Modamily, a new way to make a family. It really is amazing how our families have changed and evolved over the years. Gone are the days when the stereotypical family was dad in a business suit, mom staying home raising their two to three children. We’ve changed so much as a society it’s hard to say whether this is good or bad. Many people escape marriages that are abusive to them or their children, and it’s wonderful that we live in a time where no one feels they have to be trapped in an … Continue reading

Happily Divorced

I know what you’re thinking, “Wait a second, can divorce and happy really be in the same sentence together?” Yes, this was no mistake. I am here to testify to you that undoubtedly you can be divorced and happy at the same time. When people find out that I’m divorced there is usually a moment of shock. I’m quite young, and most often when they find out I have a three year old little boy they just assume that I am married. When I tell them otherwise it is almost always the same response. “Oh no! I am so sorry!” … Continue reading